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北京市第四中学2021-2022学年高三上学期期中 试题(英语)
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  • 资源类别试卷
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小988 K
  • 更新时间2022/9/5 15:47:51
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My twin sister, Dawn, born with cerebral palsy (脑瘫), has to wear braces (背带) on her legs and walk with the help of a stick, often causing people to ___1___ and point. As Dawn was the only “different” child in our neighborhood, we were constantly picked on. We never had any friends because of her condition. I began to ___2___Dawn and was embarrassed to be seen with her. So I did everything to get her into trouble to___3___ her being born mentally and physically disabled.

When I turned twelve, my mother was so displeased with my behavior. She figured I was old enough to know better. One day she threw me in my bedroom and gave me a thick yellow book. What I saw in that book___4___ the way I viewed my disabled sister.

There were many baby pictures of Dawn and me dressed alike, the only___5___: I looked small and peaceful while Dawn was hooked up to tubes and needles and machines. If you looked closely, you could see the___6___ in her eyes though she was always smiling. One picture stood out: we were hugging each other. The words below read, “I’m so happy to have a twin sister, Netti. The doctors make me cry. She makes me laugh.” Looking back, I realized how ___7___ I had been! I had never put myself in Dawn’s shoes! Feeling___8___, I cried myself to sleep.

Later, Dawn came into my room to wake me up for dinner. I kissed her and hugged her___9___like in the picture.

From then on, I was Dawn’s protector. No one was going to hurt her for any reason. We are ____10____. I am the other half of her and she is my world.

1. A. complain                    B. wander                          C. stare                              D. envy

2. A. hate                           B. pity                                C. disturb                           D. warn

3. A. put up with                 B. make use of                    C. keep track of                  D. get back at

4. A. formed                       B. changed                         C. explained                       D. confirmed

5. A. problem                     B. spotlight                         C. similarity                        D. difference

6. A. courage                      B. disappointment                C. pain                               D. concern

7. A. rude                           B. selfish                            C. responsible                     D. innocent

8. A. helpless                      B. unhappy                         C. desperate                       D. ashamed

9. A. politely                       B. seriously                        C. tightly                            D. purposely

10. A. irreplaceable              B. undefeatable                   C. unimaginable                  D. inseparable

【答案】1. C    2. A    3. D    4. B    5. D    6. C    7. B    8. D    9. C    10. D

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