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During the summer of 2008, I participated in an internship(实习)with Motivos Magazine. On a roasting hot day, I walked up and down Parkway trying to   1   pedestrians to subscribe to Motivos. Sweaty and   2   ,I turned to a fellow intern and said, "I want to be a paid intern" one who receives money for all the work that he does. 

Today, as I recall my experience with Motivos, I can   3   say, "I was a paid intern". It paid me with something much more   4   and worthy than money: knowledge, opportunities, and experience that last forever. Jenee, the founder of Motivos, gave me the   5   of how the magazine business operates. She showed me the   6   from rough draft to publishing with a hands-on experience. I was even given the opportunity to spend quality time with a team of professionals and "pick their brains."

Throughout the whole "rough draft to publishing" process, I developed a mutual relationship with a journalist George. He saw some things in me that I had   7   to notice in myself: my resilience and potential, and wanted to write a story on me. With my permission, George published it for the column that he writes for the Philadelphia Weekly. It was really a once-in-a-lifetime experience to have my story told in a public form to   8   positivity and empower whomever it applied to. I was acknowledged and given recognition. More importantly, I gained a better understanding of myself that served as the   9   for my future.

As an experienced intern I must say, "Many internships   10   very well!”

1. A. teach             B. remind              C. assign              D. convince

2. A. lazy        B. guilty         C. tired                  D. nervous

3. A. proudly         B. hesitantly         C. regretfully         D. jokingly

4. A. popular          B. powerful           C. abstract            D. available

5. A. proof            B. reward              C. problem            D. knowledge

6. A. steps             B. signs                 C. services            D. savings

7. A. refused          B. failed          C. continued          D. stopped

8. A. return            B. train                  C. assess              D. highlight

9. A. prediction             B. inspection         C. inspiration         D. imagination

10. A. pay             B. react                C. go                    D. run

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