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湖北省鄂东南联盟学校2021-2022学年高一下学期期中联考试题(英语 无答案)
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  • 更新时间2022/9/5 14:18:20
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Dunhuang is the top tourist city in China. Its key points of interest and natural sights are shockingly beautiful and able to tug at one's heart. The Pearl of the Silk Road, Dunhuang, opens her arms to welcome tourists from all over the world.

Mogao Caves

Located 25 kilometers southeast of Dunhuang, Mogao Caves is regarded as the best Buddhist spot in China, perhaps in the whole world. The artistic features of the treasured Buddhist murals(壁画), represent perfectly the artistic style of the Northern Wei (386-543) Sui(581-618)and Tang(618-907)dynasties.

Yumenguan Pass

Situated 90 kilometers northwest of the city, the Yumen Pass was an important gateway to the western region in ancient times. Yumen Pass, Hecang Town and Han Great Wall (Han Dynasty)are the major sights in this area. Since the Yumen Pass is a distance from Dunhuang, one can have a feel of the desolation(荒凉)of western China.


Five kilometers southwest of the city, the Crescent Lake lies in the arms of Echoing-Sand Mountain, appearing clear and beautiful. The lake is crescent-shaped, hence the name. It's surrounded by quicksand. Although it's quite windy sometimes, the lake has never been covered by the sand. It's really a marvelous scene in the desert.

Echoing-Sand Mountain

Five kilometers south of the city, Echoing-Sand Mountain is the accumulation of years of sand in the size of rice. Each time the wind blows, there is a sound from the mountain and when there is a breeze, the sound is like musical instruments, hence the name. The most marvelous experience is when after climbing to the top, although quite tough, one can slide down to the foot of the mountain, a wonderfully amusing experience!

21. Which attraction is suitable for tourists interested in Buddhism culture?

A. Mogao Caves.                                      B. Yumenguan Pass.

C. Crescent Lake.                                     D. Echoing-Sand Mountain.

22. What do the third and fourth attractions have in common?

A. They are natural scenes.                     

B. They get their names by the shape.

C. They involve sand-sliding experiences.

D. They offer historical information about the city.

23. Where can the text be found?

A. In a history book.                                 B. In a news report.

C. In a travel brochure.                                    D. In a science magazine.

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