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新疆昌吉州2021-2022学年高一上学期期中质量检测试题 (英语)
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  • 更新时间2022/8/15 10:56:41
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 As for long-distance holidays, there are some unique destinations that actually offer you great value for your money, even if you’re on a budget.

Tokyo, Japan

Food lovers should head to this busy city which has the lowest cost for dining out — you could even bag a three-course evening meal for two, with a bottle of house wine, for just under £ 34. For sightseeing there are plenty of free museums and attractions, while tour bus ticket prices start from as little as £ 11.56.

Bangkok, Thailand

Thailand's capital is second to none as the best value long-distance city. Although there isn’t a huge difference across all prices compared to the other cities, it is accommodation that really makes it stand out. I you’re only stopping for a long weekend, then make sure to check out the awe-inspiring The Grand Palace, a complex of breathtaking temples.

Beijing, China

The Chinese capital took third spot with a total basket price of £ 337.49. If you only do one cultural day out during your stay, make it a trip to The Forbidden City. There are some seriously beautiful and delicate buildings from the Ming and Qing dynasties, not to mention they're home to priceless artificial objects from China's historical milestones.

Dubai, UAE

Although Dubai does have a reputation for being quite the splurge (挥霍金钱) when it comes to holidays and if you’re going to addict yourself to a spot of shopping or hit the roller-coasters, it actually provides quite good value for what you pay. The city also offers some cheaper prices across its museums, galleries and attractions as well as airport transfers.

1What can you enjoy in Tokyo, Japan?

AEating out cheap.        BFree bus ride.

CVisiting galleries free.    DPriceless man-made objects.

2Which one tops the first as the best value long-distance city?

ATokyo.                   BBangkok.                CBeijing.                   DDubai.

3What is people’s common idea about Dubai?

ADubai is famous for house wine producing. BHistorical buildings spread everywhere in Dubai.

CBeing on vacation in Dubai costs tons of money.DThe roller-coasters there are the best in the world.  

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