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  • 资源类别试卷
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  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小1613 K
  • 更新时间2022/8/8 9:26:18
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A Kind Note from My Student

---by lewski7ll, posted Dec 25, 2021

We're working on paragraph writing in class. One of the assignments was to write one on yourhero. This little bugger( 小坏蛋<爱称> ) chose me. Please do not: judge his incredible manuscript. We're working that for him. Instead , judge his content.

For those who cannot read third grade:

“My hero is Mr. Lewandowski. He can do magic. He's good at teaching. He's goodat math. Who is your hero?'

Someone's getting an“A”for Christmas this year!


dotmatrix wrote: A great teacher is a true gift to our world. Beautiful.

plutol78 wrote: My son was once asked to write about his hero and he chose me! Boy! Was he sorry the next day when asked to read them out and others had people like Batman and Spiderman…? Still I am sure I could rock the outfit. It's so nice though when someone does this for you.

dance wrote: Bless the little one!

singhharry1996 wrote: That is beautiful to be a kind model for your students! It will stick with them.

butterkind wrote: How sweet!!

janfour wrote: so nice

gardengal10 wrote: Actually, I was able to translate the original third grade manuscript with little difficulty. You have a winner in your class Nr. L. :))

lt33 wrote: Aww that's sweet he sees something in you that radiates kindness.

Rajni wrote: World owes teacher a lot for their dedication and love for teaching and thereby shape future. ideal citizens. Mr. Lewandowski, you deserve the honor your student gave you. You are real hero.

Helenconnell2 wrote: I always think students see their teachers in a way that managers and inspectors cannot ! So wonderful to see!

21. How does Mr. Lewandowski like the little bugger's writing content?

A. Terrible.  B. Poor.  C. Medium.  D. Good.

22. In what aspect does plutol78 empathize(有共鸣) with' Mr. Lewandowski?

A. Being a true gift to the world.                 B. Being chosen as a hero by their little bugger.

C. Being dedicated to shaping future ideal citizens.  D. Owning something radiating kindness in themselves.

23. Which reader can make out the pupil's manuscript with ease?

A.dotmatrix   B. Helenconnell2    C. gardengall0   D. singhharry1996

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