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湖北省十堰市2021-2022学年高三下学期4月调研试题 (英语 无答案)
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  • 资源类别试卷
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  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小972 K
  • 更新时间2022/8/4 16:19:34
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Whatever your resolutions are,make sure they are still going strong. Here are some famous persons'resolutions.

Gabby Logan,TV presenter

Resolution:to drink more water

I know I should drink two litres of water a day,but it's easy to forget,especially when it's cold out. I'm going to fill my bottle and leave it in the fridge overnight so I won't leave home without it and check in each night to see if I've drunk enough.

Sarah Stirk,TV presenter

Resolution:to meditate(冥想)more

With a newborn baby,I'll need to stay really calm. Meditation will help me deal with those stresses,so I'll work on that,as well as deep breathing and getting out in nature regularly. With a positive attitude,I use diaries to help me keep my resolution.

Desiree Henry,sprinter(短跑运动员)

Resolution:toget quality rest

As I train so hard,I need to ensure I also get enough rest. I've set an 8:30 pm reminderon my phone to slow down. Sometimes I can move really slowly, so I give myself plenty of time. At 10 pm, I'll put my phone on airplane mode so I can't be disturbed.

Alex Davies, bodybuilder

Resolution:to schedule my time efficiently

I've taken a break from my job as an engineer to become a professional bodybuilder andtrain as a drone(无人机) pilot. I've never been busier! But without that 9-to-5 structure, I need to be focused. My top trick will be nightly diaries so I can write down my short-term goals and prepare a to-do list for the next day.

21. What do Gabby Logan and Sarah Stirk have in common?

A. They have the same resolution.                      B. They are both expecting a baby.

C. They both work at a TV station.                    D. They need to calm down in study.

22. What do we know about Desiree Henry?

A. She will have a newborn baby.                       B. She worked as an engineer once.

C. She is now training as a drone pilot.               D. She gives herself enough time to rest.

23. Who has changed an occupation according to the text?

A. Gabby Logan.                                              B. Sarah Stirk.

C. Desiree Henry.                                             D. Alex Davies.

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