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Throughout history, there have been sculptors who are prized for their willingness to push boundaries. Without their contributions, it would be difficult to imagine visual art as we now know it. Here are some of the pioneers.

Gianlorenzo Bernini (1598~1680)

As a master of materials, Italian artist Gianlorenzo Bernini is known for his astonishing ability to create movement and bring forth emotion with his work. In his masterpiece, Pluto and Perse phone, the rough and cold stone has been turned into flesh that looks so real and soft that you just want to reach out and touch it.

Alberto Giacometti (1901~1966)

Swiss sculptor Alberto Giacometti is perhaps most recognized for his slim and small sculptures, like Seated Man, with each piece measuring no more than 2.75 inches in height. Many scholars have suggested that his slim figures relate to a lack of meaning in 20th-ccntury life.

Henry Moore (1898 ~ 1986)

Known for his abstract public sculpture, British artist Henry More's works most often focus on the theme of mother and child, who usually sit or lie in a relaxed way, with their bodies leaning backwards Moore's figures are often composed of multiple pieces, yet his clean lines allow viewers to effectively see the figures within the abstract form. Such features are very obvious in his master piece Mother and Child.

Louise Bourgeois (1911 ~ 2010)

Most well-known for her public art, French-American sculptor Louise Bourgeois rose to international lame in 1982 after the Museum of Modern Art held her first exhibit. By this time, she was already in her 70s. Drawing from her own life experience, her sculptures often explore themes of family and death. In her representative work, Maman, Bourgeois has used a spider to stand for her mother, who died when she was a child, to show her strength and protection over her family.

21. When did Alberto Giacometti pass away?

A. In 1689.                          B. In 1966.                    C. In 1986.                   D. In 2010.

22. Which one belongs to realistic sculpture?

A. Maman.                           B. Mother and Child.      C. Seated Man.              D. Pluto and Persephone.

23. What do the last two artists have in common?

A. They became famous in their 70s.                          B. They are known for their public sculptures.

C. They are from the same country.                           D. They explored the themes of family and death.

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