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湖北省武汉市钢城第四中学2019-2020学年高二下学期期中试题(英语 无答案)
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  • 资源类别试卷
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高二年级
  • 文件大小967 K
  • 更新时间2022/7/7 11:30:54
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Chelesa Fearce had a secret that her classmates didn't know. A secret that could not defeat her. A secret that she was ready to reveal on graduation day: she was homeless.

Today, six years later, her story of perseverance continues, from a teenager studying by the stove light at motels to Spelman College graduate and medical researcher now starting Yale Medical School.

Homelessness taught me how to work hard, always persevere and never let anything get in my way, Fearce said recently.

The 23-year-old girl made national news in 2013 with her story of success over a difficult situation. Her academic success landed her a full scholarship to Spelman, where she graduated in 2017 with a Bachelor of Science in biochemistry. She has worked full-time for the past two years at the National Institutes for Health in Bethesda, Maryland, doing research on drugs. And this month, Fearce starts Yale Medical School with a full scholarship to cover living expenses. She expects to be at the Ivy League school for eight years and to graduate with her doctorate and a medical degree. Her longtime goal is a career in psychiatry(精神病学).

Fearce's story is kept alive on the home front by the Clayton County school system. In her name, the system annually awards scholarships to local homeless students with good academic records. The scholarships of $250 to $1,000 come from donations collected in the whole country, which ranked first in the state in 2016—2017 in student homelessness with about 2,700 students.

Hearing about her helps "the students know what is possible," said Jacqueline Evans, which deals with the problem of student homelessness. “Sometimes, you have to see somebody else to know it can happen to you.”

21. Which word can describe Fearces attitude to her homelessness?

A. Painful.    B. Curious.     C. Concerned.     D. Thankful.

22. How were the scholarships in Fearces name gotten?

A. Through the efforts of Fearce.      B. By way of local donations.

C. By way of contributions.           D. Through the governments funds.

23. Whats the best title for the passage?

A. Fearces Story Inspires Many More

B. Strong Will Makes a Girl Well-known

C. The Homeless Is at Yale Medical School

D. Chelesa Fearce Lets Out Her Secret

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