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湖北省荆州中学2021-2022学年高二上学期期末考试(英语 无答案)
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  • 资源类别试卷
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  • 适用年级高二年级
  • 文件大小974 K
  • 更新时间2022/7/7 11:27:47
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One of the most important creations of science is the invention of the lighthouses. Lighthouses help in a number of activities such as marking of the dangerous coastlines and directing safe entries to the harbours. The following are some famous lighthouses.

The Jeddah Light

It is located in Saudi Arabia. This lighthouse has been constructed very beautifully and decorates a beautiful structure. The Jeddah Light was built in 1990.This lighthouse is considered as the tallest of the world reaching a fine height of around 436 feet.

The Les Eclaireurs Lighthouse

It is addressed as the “lighthouse at the end of the world”. The Les Eclaireurs Lighthouse is located on a small island east of Ushuaia, the southernmost city of the world.This lighthouse was built in 1920 and today it has become a very famous tourist attraction in Argentina.However, visits to this lighthouse can be made only by boat.

The Peggys Point Lighthouse

Lit in 1915, it is an icon and a popular monument of Canada. The Peggys Point Lighthouse has become a major tourist sight and is considered as one of the busiest attractions in the area of Nova Scotia. This lighthouse also fetches you a wonderful scenic drive and visiting here, you can indulge yourself in the beauty of nature.

The Slettnes Lighthouse

It is the northernmost lighthouse that is located on the mainland of Europe and is considered as one of the most famous lighthouses of the world. This lighthouse is mostly considered as the North Cape Light and is the top lighthouse of Europe. The Slettnes Lighthouse firstly began to light in 1905. Though it was highly damaged during the World War II by the Germans, yet it was restored and lit again. This lighthouse is very classic as to its looks.

21. Which lighthouse is only accessible by sea?

A. The Jeddah Light.                                     B. The Slettnes Lighthouse.

C. The Peggys Point Lighthouse.                    D. The Les Eclaireurs Lighthouse.

22. What do we know about the Slettnes Lighthouse?

A. It was lit again after the restoration in 1905.

B. It is the best-known lighthouse in the world.

C. The lighthouse has a very classic appearance.

D. Visiting the lighthouse draws you close to nature.

23. Where is the text most probably taken from?

A. A travel magazine.  B. A history textbook.

C. A scientific journal.                                   D. A design handbook.

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