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浙江省台州市2021-2022学年高一上学期期末质量评估试题 (英语)
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  • 资源类别试卷
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  • 适用年级高一年级
  • 文件大小964 K
  • 更新时间2022/7/7 8:03:13
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It’s time to fasten your seat belt and hit the road for flight-free travel. We take the scenic routes along four of Europe’s finest road trips.

1. The National 7

Route: Paris — Saint Tropez

Distance: 600 miles

Journey from the City of Love to the French Riviera will lead you through the hometown of Coco Chanel. Pass through Burgundy, the Rhone valley and French Provencale countryside famous for their vineyards, before getting close to the golden shores of the Cote d’Azur. We recommend sparing yourselves at least one week to experience the trip you’re unlikely to forget.

2. The Grand Tour of Catalonia

Route: Barcelona — Barcelona

Distance: 1, 242 miles

The Grand Tour is a journey that presents the visitors with the art, history, landscape and rich culture of Catalonia. In the beating heart of Barcelona, come upon the artistic heritage of Caundi and Dali. Just a few of the highlights (最精彩的部分) along the route include Montserrat, Tarragona and Capde Creus Natural Park, to name just a few.

3. Road-Tripping along the Rhine

Route: Dusseldorf—Mainz

Distance: 146 miles

Enjoy a taste of German on a journey along the scenic banks of the Rhine Valley. Meet the impressive river side cities of Dusseldorf, Colone and Bonn and vast fields that are grown some of Germany’s finest wine producing grapes. We recommend allowing about one week to complete the journey at a leisurely pace.

4. The Grand Tour of Switzerland

Route: Zurich- Zurich

Distance: 1, 000 miles

The Grand Tour of Switzerland crosses five mountain passes, containing 12 UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Best enjoy over two weeks. From the lowland of Lake Maggiore to the heights of the Furka Pass, this challenging voyage is only possible between the months of April and October. From mountain villages to cultural heritage, glaciers to historic castles, this route promises an incomparable concentration of all kinds of attractions.

1. Which route best suits art lovers?

A. The National 7.                                                       B. The Grand Tour of Catalonia.

C. Road-Tripping along the Rhine.                                 D. The Grand Tour of Switzerland.

2. What can visitors see on both Route 1 and Route 3?

A. Valley views.                                                           B. River side cities.

C. Golden shores.                                                        D. Classic German towns.

3. Which of the following highlights Route 4?

A. Unique village life.                                                   B. Rich cultural experiences.

C. Different mountain views.                                        D. Various types of attractions.

4. What is the main purpose of the passage?

A. To introduce scenic spots.                                        B. To share travel experiences.

C. To recommend travel routes.                                    D. To explain the reasons for travelling.

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