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安徽省合肥艺术中学2020-2021学年高一下学期第一次调研考试试卷 (英语)
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  • 资源类别试卷
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高一年级
  • 文件大小986 K
  • 更新时间2022/7/6 14:46:31
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Five children are learning in the same class of Eton in London, the largest and most famous of England's public schools and become the best friends. However, each of them has quite a different lifestyle.

Jane comes from a family of scholar( 书香门第) in Scotland , and both her parents are writers. At the age of seven, she began to write little pieces of poems, and since then she has been

spending her spare time writing poems. The only shame is that she has never got one of her works

published and she is expecting such a chance.

Robert is a good boy and his father is a brave fire fighter in London who has saved many people's lives from fires or other dangers, and he also wants to become one when he graduates from high school. Now he is eager to learn the basic knowledge of fire fighting.

John is a bookworm(书呆子) from Wales and always goes to bookstores to fix his eyes on the newly published books. But he always forgets to pick up his things that he has left in the checkroom. Last Sunday, when he left the bookstore, he left his hat and jacket behind.

Rose is a lovely and slender(身材苗条的) girl from Manchester. She is so much interested in

dancing. Never is there a weekend past without seeing her spending several hours in the schools dance room. And this Saturday, she is asking her friends from other schools over to dance with


Jack ,an Irish boy ,has read many travel books about Europe and is really attracted by what is described in them. So when his school is planning for a trip to Europe, he is among the first to  sign up for it. And now he cannot wait to start the journey.

21. From this passage, we can learn that the five children_____

A. come from different parts of the U. K.       B. often quarrel or fight with each other

C. have the same lifestyle in their life          D. have developed the same interest

22. According to this passage, what kind of person is Rose? .

A. Serious and shy.                        B. Friendly and outgoing.

C. Shy and foolish.                        D. Silly and unfriendly.

23. This passage mainly talks about

A. different cultures in Britain               B. life of five families in Britain

C. different lifestyles of five British children    D. different parts of the U. K.

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