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安徽省合肥市第九中学2020-2021学年高一下学期期中试题(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试卷
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  • 文件大小1432 K
  • 更新时间2022/7/6 8:50:05
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A simple mosquito bite can mean serious illness or death. So we spray large areas with chemicals to wipe out mosquitoes. But this has a bad influence on the whole ecosystem and your health. Now there’s a new device (装置), which claims to keep you and your loved ones mosquito­free

What are we talking about?

Mosquitron, a brand new type of bug (虫子) catcher, designed by two German engineers, is perfect for clearing your home of all annoying and dangerous flying pests!

How does it work?

It is easy to set up; plug it in — and away you go!

It lures (引诱) the flying pests near using a safe, completely harmless UV light.

A reverse fan sucks the insects through a one­way trapdoor.

Once trapped in the drying basket, they are dried to death by the fan within 2 minutes.

You can simply empty the dead bugs into the trash, without even touching them.

No need for batteries or any chemicals.

How much does it cost?

It’s now 179.99. It may seem expensive at first, but when you consider most devices need regular, expensive refills and don’t work for more than 10 minutes, this is a pretty good deal. In fact, competitor products using the same UV technology are priced at over 250! Now you can buy it from the supplier’s website with 50% off and with free shipping for a limited time by clicking here. Note: The device can only be returned or exchanged if it arrives damaged, and you must pay in advance.

1. What is the characteristic of a Mosquitron?

A. It is easily recharged.

B. It is battery­powered.

C. It is almost silent when operating.

D. It kills mosquitoes with UV light.

2. What can you enjoy if buying a Mosquitron online now?

A. A high discount.                           B. A cheap delivery.

C. Return without reasons.                    D. Cash on delivery.

3. What type of writing is this text?

A. A review.                                  B. An advertisement.

C. An instruction.                            D. A report.

【答案】1. C    2. A    3. B




细节理解题。根据图片中的信息quiet working(安静的工作)可知,Mosquitron工作时噪声很小。故选C选项。


细节理解题。根据文章最后一段Now you can buy it from the suppliers website with 50% off and with free shipping for a limited time by clicking here.(现在你可以在供应商的网站上以五折的价格购买,并在有限的时间内免费送货。)可知,现在在网站上购买可以享受较大的折扣。故选A项。


推理判断题。根据全文,特别是文章最后一段It’s now 179.99. It may seem expensive at first, but when you consider most devices need regular, expensive refills and don’t work for more than 10 minutes, this is a pretty good deal.(现在是179.99美元。一开始可能看起来很贵,但当你考虑到大多数设备需要常规的、昂贵的补充,并且工作时间不超过10分钟时,这是一个相当不错的交易。)可知,文章主要想让读者购买这一款驱蚊器,因此这是一则广告。故选B项。

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