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  • 资源类别学案
  • 教材版本外研版(新教材)
  • 适用年级高二年级
  • 文件大小1381 K
  • 更新时间2022/6/20 16:10:13
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Some Facts You Need to Know about Ebola (埃博拉)

◇What is Ebola?

Ebola is a virus­caused haemorrhagic fever (出血热) that spreads through contact with bodily fluids (体液)The virus was first identified and named after a river in the DRC (刚果金) — then known as Zaire — that was near the location of the first known outbreak in 1976.

◇The symptoms the infected usually have

High fever, weakness, muscle pain, a headache and a sore throat are often followed by vomiting and diarrhoea (腹泻), kidney and liver failure, internal and external bleeding.

◇How dangerous is Ebola?

The virus is highly infectious, making it difficult to contain especially in urban environments.The average death rate from Ebola is around 50 percent, according to the World Health Organization (WHO)The worst Ebola outbreak started in December 2013 in southern Guinea and spread to neighboring West African countries Liberia and Sierra Leone, claiming the lives of over 11,300 people from the 29,000 registered cases (病例)

◇Treatment and control

At present there is no licensed (得到正式许可的) drug to prevent or treat Ebola although a range of experimental drugs are in development.To contain the spread of the virus, patients and people who have contacted them are routinely isolated (隔离的)


Read the passage and answer the following questions.

1When did Ebola first break out?

In 1976.

2List the symptoms of the infected patients.

High fever, weakness, muscle pain, a headache, a sore throat, vomiting, diarrhoea, kidney and liver failure, internal and external bleeding.

3Why is Ebola a dangerous disease?

Because it is highly infectious and the average death rate from Ebola is high.Besides, there is no licensed drug to prevent or treat Ebola.


1virus n. 病毒

2identify v.  发现;确认;鉴定

3be named after  ……命名

4outbreak n.  爆发,突然发生

5claim v.  (灾难、事故等)夺走,夺去(生命)

6contain v.  控制,防止……蔓延(或恶化)

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