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More than just plain old milk

When people talk about milk, they are usually referring to cow's milk. But, nowadays, there are more and more milk alternatives hitting the shelves.

Soy milk

Soy milk is one of the most common choices among alternative milk products. It contains nearly as much protein as cow's milk, offering about seven grams per cup. Soy milk usually contains oils and thickeners as well as extra calcium(钙),vitamin(维生素)D, and vitamin E.

Coconut milk

If protein is of no concern, coconut milk is worth a try. Made from water and the white part of coconuts, this drink has the lowest amount of protein among nondairy milk. What coconut milk does have a lot of is a kind of fat known as MCTs. According to some findings, the fat may reduce appetite and improve blood cholesterol(胆固醇)levels.

Almond milk

Almond milk is another popular alternative. Almonds are high in vitamin E- 28grams contain 37% of one’s daily requirement. Vitamin E helps reduce inflammation(炎症)in the human body. That being said, almond milk is not as nutritious as you might think. Almond milk is mostly water, and almonds only make up about 2 % of many produacts, though you may be able to find a few that contain up to 15%.

Oat milk

Oat milk is among the most well-liked options and is considered sustainable and environmentally friendly plant-based milk. Like almond milk, oat milk is essentially oats and water. It is high in fiber, which helps lower cholesterol in your body.

21. What do we know about soy milk?

A. It is rich in protein and MCTs.  

B. It is a good alternative to cow's milk.

C. It may be harmful to the environment.

D. It may cause inflammation in your body.

22. Which of the following may help you eat less and stay fit?

A. Soy milk.   B. Coconut milk.      C. Almond milk.    D. Oat milk.

23. What feature do the last two kinds of milk share?

A. Both contain a lot of water.

B. Both are high in fiber and vitamin E.

C. Both help lower cholesterol in your body.

D. Both are more nutritious than other milk varieties.  

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