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贵州省2022届高三上学期8月联考试题 英语(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试卷
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小4700 K
  • 更新时间2022/6/6 11:01:37
    下载统计今日0 总计1
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Volunteers Needed

HSE is a nonprofit organization set to create a free online English-learning platform and boost confidence for all English learners. We will help you learn and practice productive English skills by connecting you with native English speakers around the globe and strengthening intercultural ties. The following are positions available for now.


Working language: Chinese and English

Commitment: 2 hours/week

Tutors' primary task is to give students one-on-one classes. Each class is conducted on WeChat and lasts for 30 minutes long. During class, tutors will discuss key topics with the students according to our internal materials. After class, they will send brief feedback to the student.


Working language: Chinese and English

Commitment: 2 hours/week

Editors will write, polish, and proofread(校阅)text as requested by our managers in either Chinese or English. Such text usually includes class materials and text contents about to be published on our WeChat Official Account.


Working language: Chinese and English

Commitment: 2 hours/week

Translators will translate our internal documents. These documents usually include volunteer profiles, interviews with college students, and promotion information. You are free to use translation devices or software to achieve greater efficiency as long as translated documents are free of significant errors.

Administrative Assistant

Working language: English

Commitment: 1 hour/day

Manage student information by organizing the information and updating processed information in the HSE Volunteers Group Chat.

Manage volunteers' information by updating their status(active/inactive) and their respective students.

Location: No. 5 Zhujiang W Rd, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510000, CN

Looking forward to your participation!

21. What's the goal of HSE?

A. To build a Chinese-learning platform.     B. To help English learners.

C. To make Chinese-learning free.          D. To earn money by teaching English.

22. Which position will you choose if you only know English?

A. Tutor.      B. Editor.      C. Translator.      D. Administrative Assistant.

23. Which of the following is a must for the position of the editor?

A. Working two days in a week.             B. Being good at publishing books.

C. Doing things arranged by managers.       D. Doing well in at least three languages.

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