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2022年高考二轮复习50分阅读限时满分练一(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小955 K
  • 更新时间2022/6/5 11:23:23
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Here are four famous museums for family visits in Washington,D.C.


The museum features evidence, facts and tons of amazing sculptures of some of the most powerful and sometimes scary animals that ever controlled the Earth. The artists used real dinosaur bones to form the reproductions so they are extremely lifelike.


Originally established in 1926, this museum offers guests a comprehensive look at a more than 3-century span(跨度) of history. Called the centre where nature, science and culture meet, the museum prides itself on providing guests with immersive(沉浸式的) experiences, such as being taken back to cowboy days in the Heritage Centre or digging through sand to find dinosaur bones.

The best part? The museum is constantly switching some exhibits to better suit the season and provide guests with a different experience each time they visit.


Step inside a completely new world at Orlandos newest exhibition—the Museum of Illusions! This unique educational attraction is the perfect combination of fun and art, allowing visitors of all ages to test the limits of their mind. Focused on planting the seeds of curiosity, the astonishing images at the exhibition remind guests that everything is not always as it seems.


Release your inner kid and visit the Worlds Largest Toy Museum, which will take you in time with one million toys from the 1800s to today. Youll surely be excited to check out your hero toys from your childhood. The tours are self-guided and guests are allowed to leave and return during the same day.

1.Which of the museums is best at stimulating childrens imagination?

A.The Dinosaur Museum.

B.The Witte Museum.

C.The Museum of Illusions.

D.The Worlds Largest Toy Museum.

2.What can a tourist do in the Witte Museum?

A.Visit some seasonal exhibits.

B.Watch the dinosaur reproductions.

C.Enjoy interacting with true cowboys.

D.Learn about the museums 300-year history.

3.What can we learn about the Worlds Largest Toy Museum?

A.It displays the oldest toys in the world.

B.It provides visitors with immersive experiences.

C.It is meant for children with the theme of heroes.

D.It allows tourists to come unlimited times in a day.

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