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  • 资源类别试卷
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高二年级
  • 文件大小1000 K
  • 更新时间2022/5/19 16:09:27
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LOI English --- English Conversation Classes

Take English conversation classes with native English-speaking teachers from the United States, Ireland and Australia, live, 1-on-1.

    This is by far the best way to improve your real spoken English and listening abilities and get to a level where you can use it in real-life situations. Our teachers mainly carry on conversations about work in different fields, such as business, finance, politics and travel. However, if you like, you can have normal day-to-day conversations about events weather, etc. If you would like to learn some grammar during conversation, we can do that too!

Our English Conversation classes:

●Your conversations will always be with a native English speaker.

●You can choose the time, day and teacher for each class.

●The classes are made for each student individually. They will be at your level, studying what you need and what interests you


10 Classes Package                                                     $229.90

Interested in taking 10, 55-minute conversation English classes?

Schedule a first free class with LOI English and talk to the teacher about it. After that, you can arrange to take our 10-class conversation English course.


20 Classes Package                                           $439.80

Interested in taking 20, 55-minute conversation English classes?

Schedule a first free class with LOI English and talk to the teacher about it. After that, you can arrange to take our 20-class conversation English course.

21. What do the classes mainly focus on?

    A. Area-based accents.                        B. Work-related topics.

    C. Grammar rules.                              D. Daily conversations.

22. What are offered to the students?

    A. Appointed teachers.                        B. Personalized courses.

    C. Chances to travel with the teachers. D. Online and offline learning materials.

23. What should a student do first if he decides on the 10 Classes Package?

    A. Arrange a free class with LOI English.

    B. Bargain with LOI English for lower fees

    C. Choose an experienced LOI English teacher.

    D. Make a promise to sit through each class.

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