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北京市海淀区2021-2022学年高二上学期期末考试试题 (英语 无答案)
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  • 资源类别试卷
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高二年级
  • 文件大小1200 K
  • 更新时间2022/5/16 8:02:32
    下载统计今日0 总计0
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It was an unexpected call for Aranza Delgado from the shelter, Peewees Pet Adoption World,

800 miles away in Texas. She was so pleasantly       19        when learning her dog “Puppies was picked up by a passerby after it went missing four years ago. Since he was        20      , the shelter called the chip company and got the name and telephone number of his        21      .

However, Aranza had a limited window of time, and could only come to pick up Puppies one week later. Ernie Cochran, a volunteer of the shelter, replied that they were more than        22        to provide the dog with a place to stay for several more days.

If we can get a dog back to his family, it’s a wonderful thing,” thought Ernie. Ernie and the other

locals teamed up with a plan to get Puppies back home as        23       as possible.

“Everybody has been amazing, from the shelter to the people who are helping me transport

Puppies,” Aranza told Kris News. She was happy to be        24        with her old friend soon. I didnt

      25        how friendly everybody in Texas was and how helpful theyve been. Ive had a lot of

      26      . Actually, the lady that Ive been in contact with is picking Puppies up tomorrow and she’s

going to       27       him overnight and then will send him back home.”

Although she may never completely know what Puppies went through during the four years, Aranza hopes that her story        28        the kindness of Texans.

19. A. surprised            B. encouraged C. informed    D. amused

20. A. found          B. adopted      C. chipped      D. abandoned

21. A. owner         B. shelter C. rescuer      D. center

22. A. grateful        B. willing C. excited       D. patient

23. A. recently              B. secretly      C. early          D. urgently

24. A. connected    B. reunited      C. associated  D. concerned

25. A. understand   B. forget  C. admit  D. realize

26. A. requests              B. troubles      C. regrets       D. messages

27. A. leave           B. keep           C. feed           D. see

28. A. repays         B. deserves     C. inspires      D. highlights


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