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云南省景谷县第一中学2020-2021学年高一上学期第一次月考试题 (英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试卷
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  • 适用年级高一年级
  • 文件大小1017 K
  • 更新时间2022/5/9 11:52:47
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Are you worried about moving up to senior highIt can be a new experiencebut you shouldn't worry. We 've put together a guide on how to survive the first week.

You're not alone

Remembereverybody else in your year is on the same boat. They may not realize itbut they're just as nervous as you are. Moving to senior high is an opportunitynot a problem. Things are different and all you need to do is be polite and learn the new rules.

Teachers are ready to help

If you are unsure what to do or are worried about anything. then you had better ask for help. Teachers are probably the best people to turn to as they're experienced in helping new students. Some senior high schools also have a “friends system”. If your school has thisthen you will be paired with an older student. They will look out for you and help you if you have any problems or questions.

All change.

There are lots of differences between junior high and senior high. You'll have a homework diary or a student planner. You will have your lessons with different teachers in different rooms. You will have homework for different subjects on different daysso make sure you get organized. Make sure you have a copy of your school timetable written down so you know which rooms your classes are in and on which days you will have your different subjects.

Other points

If you've got an elder brother or sister at the school then ask them for advice.

Be yourselfIt sounds simplebut people will know you much better if you just act naturally.

Having early nights makes a difference and you'll find it easier to get up in the morning

1. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined sentence

A. Other students have similar feelings to yours.

B. Other students have to learn boating with you.

C. Other students will help you solve your problems.

D. Other students will teach you politeness and new rules.

2. The new students could turn to teachers first when having problems because          .

A. teachers won't blame them as parents do        B. teachers are good at helping solve problems

C. teachers are equal to every student             D. parents are too busy to help them

3. What's the purpose of the passage

A. To tell students the importance of learning.

B. To warn students not to ignore friendship in senior high.

C. To make a difference when moving up to senior high.

D. To help new students to get used to the life in senior high,

【答案】1. A    2. B    3. D




句意猜测题。根据画线句后面的“…but they're just as nervous as you are.”可知,别的学生对进入高中也感到紧张,故推测画线部分的意思是:其他人也会和你有一样的感觉。A. Other students have similar feelings to yours.(其他学生也会和你有相似的感觉)符合以上说法,故选A项。


细节理解题。由第三段第二句Teachers are probably the best people to turn to as they're experienced in helping new students.可知,老师们经验丰富,善于帮助学生解决问题。B. teachers are good at helping solve problems(老师擅长帮助解决问题)符合以上说法,故选B项。


推理判断题。结合第一段中的“We've put together a guide on how to survive the first week. "及下文的建议可知,作者的写作意图是帮助刚刚步入高中的学生适应第一周的学习生活。D. To help new students to get used to the life in senior high.(帮助刚入高中的学生适应高中生活)符合以上说法,故选D项。

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