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Four of the Most Magical Movies from Your Childhood

Whether it was the enchanting characters, the memorable scenes or simply because it was the first film your mum or dad took you to, these are the movies that have left the most lasting impressions over the decades.

Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory

“I loved it for two reasons. First, it showed a wonderful, loving extended family. I was fascinated by their kitchen setting and the little corner where the boy Charlie slept. Second, inside the chocolate factory was what all children dreamed of. The whole movie transported me from my childhood worries into a fairyland world. ” — Margaret McKee


“For a kid who often felt like he didn’t fit in, and wasn’t good at anything, it was magical to see Dumbo discover his talent and become loved and celebrated.” — Lorraine

The Never-ending Story

“It has to be the most magical movie. The story has everything a young kid can ask for: a great story, a mythical flying dog and an interesting ending. Our family continue to watch it today. ” — Aaron Elliott

The Sound of Music

“When I was young, movies were a treat, with lollies, friends and a canvas seat. There was a special one that I did adore, and many times I’ve gone back for more. The songs, the scenery and the story line always transport me to another time. It is such a classic that my memories of it are so fantastic. ” — Joanne Carter

21. What is “Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory” about?

A. A dangerous situation.                                        B. A fairyland world.

C. A mysterious friend.                                          D. An unexpected incident.

22. Which movie may most help children lacking confidence?

A. Dumbo.                                                           B. The Never-ending Story.

C. The Sound of Music.                                        D. Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.

23. What does Aaron Elliott think of “The Never-ending Story”?

A. It is full of unrealistic things.    B. It meets all his expectations(期待).

C. It influences people of all ages.   D. It is the most meaningful movie.

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