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云南省丽江市第一中学2021-2022学年高二上学期8月月考试题 (英语)
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  • 资源类别试卷
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高二年级
  • 文件大小960 K
  • 更新时间2022/4/12 10:35:30
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Fuzhou Road is famous for its book stores.

Shanghai’s City of Books (Nandong)

Address: No. 345, Nanjing Road. E. near Shandong Road N.

Tel: 6322-1557

Opening Hour: 9:30—21:30

It is a branch of Shanghai’s City of Books. It doesn’t sell any foreign language books, but you can buy CDs of computer games and software.

Traffic: Metro Line No. 2 (Nanjing Road E. Station)

Shanghai’s City of Books

Address: No. 465, Fuzhou Road

Tel: 6391-4848

Opening Hour: 9:30—20:30

This is the biggest book store in Shanghai with six floors. Each floor has different kinds of books, but most English books are for Chinese students preparing for exams.

Foreign Language Bookstore

Address: No. 390, Fuzhou Road

Tel: 6322-3200

Opening Hour: 9:00—18:00

You can find many English novels on the ground floor, as well as dictionaries. There is a corner on the ground floor for foreigners who want to learn Chinese.

On the higher floors, you can find some professional books in English. Of course, many of the books are for Chinese students.

Shanghai Culture Commercial Building

Address: No. 355, Fuzhou Road

Opening Hour: 9:00—17:30

This store has a variety of stationery (文具) and painting materials. If you major in painting or art, this is a good place to find professional materials.

21. If you want to buy CDs of computer games, you can get off at ______.

A. Nanjing Road E. Station               B. Shandong Road N. Station

C. Fuzhou Road E. Station               D. Nanjing Road N. Station

22. If your foreign friends want to learn Chinese, you can suggest they go to ______.

A. No. 345, Nanjing Road.               B. No. 465, Fuzhou Road

C. No. 390, Fuzhou Road                D. No. 355, Fuzhou Road

23. From the introduction of the four book shops, Li Hua can buy a drawing-board as a birthday gift for her sister between ______.

A. 9:30 and 21:30      B. 9:30 and 20:30      C. 9:00 and 18:00      D. 9:00 and 17:30

24. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A. Along Fuzhou Road stands a lot of book stores.

B. All of the four book stores introduced above are on Fuzhou Road.

C. Shanghai’s City of Books is the biggest book store in Shanghai.

D. If you want to look for a professional book in English, you can call 6322-3200.

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