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(北师大版)2022高三一轮复习课时作业:选修6 Unit 17 Laughter 单元主题语篇训练 (二) Word版(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本北师大版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小936 K
  • 更新时间2022/1/3 13:58:39
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Being jobless for the last three months, I am upset nowadays.My son has lost his __1__ from a good school and he might have to go to a less qualified school.I have moved from a spacious (宽敞的) apartment to a small one in order to __2__ my living expenses.My wife has built extra stress.On top of that, my father­in­law__3__ a week ago, which has added fuel to fire, __4__ our family into a more terrible state.

In these circumstances I have two mental __5__ either to feel upset and keep losing my peace of mind, or __6__ my negative thoughts with super mental powers about self­confidence and consistency, and __7__ applying for new jobs with positive attitude.

I choose the second option because I believe that the pain I am __8__ today will build up my __9__.My strengths will then increases my confidence and make me a __10__ man one day.I understand that good and bad stages are part of __11__.While good times make me happy, bad times __12__ the “inner” me.

Two months later, __13__ I have finally landed on a job which is very exciting and offers a nice salary.Time has healed my wife's mental stress __14__ the death of her father.My son has already been accepted by another good school because the admissions for new academic year were still __15__

As I am back on the track of normal life, I can __16__ say that the most important things that helped me __17__ the crisis (危机) were my consistent character of patience, and __18__ attitude towards life.So, while I wish you all the best life can __19__ you, I would highly recommend taking the same attitude towards life __20__ you are trapped in any of such situations.

1A.admission                            Bbenefit

Cdiploma                                                    Dpermission

解析:A 根据后文the admissions for ...可知,作者的儿子没有被好学校录取(admission),故选A

2A.share                                                     Breduce

Cbreak                                                       Draise

解析:B 根据前文Being jobless for the last three months可知,作者三个月没有工作了,因此要减少(reduce)开支,故选B

3A.showed up                                             Bset off

Cfell down                                                  Dpassed away

解析:D 根据后文the death of her father可知,作者的岳父去世(passed away)了,故选D

4A.putting                                                  Bfinding

Cforming                                                    Dlifting

解析:A 根据前文可知,作者失业,为了减少开支,搬去更小的房子,岳父的去世,加剧了家庭的困境。put ... into a ... state使……处于……的状态。故选A

5A.problems                                                Bconcerns

Cchoices                                                      Dactivities

解析:C 根据下文的I choose the second option可知,作者面临两个选择(choices),故选C

6A.link                                                       Breplace

Cmix                                                           Dexchange

解析B 本句为短语replace sth.with sth.用某物替代某物故选B

7A.regret                                                    Bstop

Ckeep                                                         Drisk

解析:C 用强大的精神力量,比如自信、坚持取代消极情绪,用积极的态度继续(keep)找工作。故选C

8A.practicing                                              Bsuffering

Cproducing                                                 Drelieving

解析:B 参见下题解析。

9A.intelligence                                            Bbody

Ccharacter                                                  Dreputation

解析:C 根据文章可知,作者认为遭受(suffering)不好的事情会让自己的性格(character)更坚强。故选C

10A.careful                                                 Bhard­working

Ceasy­going                                                Dsuccessful

解析:D 作者相信自己的力量会增加自己的信心,让他有一天能够成功(successful)。故选D

11A.life                                                       Bwealth

Ctime                                                          Dhealth

解析:A 作者明白了顺境和逆境都是人生(life)的一部分。故选A

12A.hide                                                     Bdestroy

Cstrengthen                                                Dkill

解析:C 作者认为顺境让自己开心,逆境强大(strengthen)他的内心。故选C

13A.desperately                                           Bunwillingly

Chopefully                                                  Dfortunately

解析:D 根据语境可知,作者找到了工作,因此很幸运(fortunately),故选D

14A.regardless of                                         Bdue to

Cinstead of                                                 Dapart from

解析:B 时间治愈了作者妻子因为(due to)父亲去世造成的精神压力。故选B

15A.occupied                                              Bempty

Copen                                                         Dclosed

解析:C 根据语境可知,作者儿子被另一所好学校录取了,因为新学年的录取仍在继续。open开放的。故选C

16A.disappointedly                                     Bsurprisedly

Cdeliberately                                              Dconfidently

解析:D 作者的生活回到了正轨,他可以很自信地(confidently)说,帮助他渡过危机最重要的东西就是耐心和坚持,对生活持积极(positive)态度。故选D

17A.fight                                                    Bmeet

Cchange                                                      Ddelay

解析:A 根据语境可知,作者与危机作斗争(fight),并且战胜了危机,故选A

18A.general                                                 Bpositive

Cfriendly                                                    Dhonest

解析:B 参见16题解析。

19A.offer                                                    Bexpect

Cmanage                                                     Dsend

解析A 本句为offer的用法offer sb.sth.提供某人某物故选A

20A.as if                                                     Bin that

Cnow that                                                   Din case

解析:D 作者希望当我们处于困境的时候,也能保持同样的态度。in case假如。故选D

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