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(北师大版)2022高三一轮复习课时作业:选修6 Unit 16 Stories 单元主题语篇训练 (二) Word版(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本北师大版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小1004 K
  • 更新时间2022/1/3 13:57:39
    下载统计今日0 总计0
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When my mother passed away a few years ago, my father was left alone in the large house they had __1__ for 50 years.Without her to watch out for him, he was __2__ about who would find him and __3__ if something happened.

My sister and I live in other states, so we __4__ the idea that Dad could send us a(n) __5___ every morning when he awoke.Thus was __6__ the Morning Report.

He's usually up at the break of dawn, and his half a dozen or so sentences are __7__ in my inbox when I__8__ although there is a two­hour time difference.__9__ there's no e­mail, I call him, or my sister does, to make sure everything is __10__.The reports have become more than a daily __11__ though: They're a diary of sorts, a planning tool, a catalyst (催化剂) for more extended conversation, and a source of insight into his life.

__12__ them, Dad tells us about his daily life.He might be heading to the store for bananas, going to his exercise class, or having lunch with friends.

Each e­mail __13__ with “All my love, Dad.” When my mother was __14__ that emotion was normally __15__ for her.Now that she is gone, he shares those feelings and his experiences with us.For me, what started as a __16__ security measure has led to a deeper__17__.

I'm __18__ my father is still able to manage his computer and the Internet.I know the day will come when he'll no longer be able to __19__ the reports, and we'll have to find other ways to stay in touch.But until then they are our way of knowing that another __20__ day has begun.



1A.built                           Bleft

Cshared                                                      Dexpected

解析:C 根据上文my father was left alone in the large house可知,父亲独自一人住在他们共同(shared)居住了50年的大房子里。故选C

2A.particular                                              Bconcerned

Cconfused                                                   Dcurious

解析:B 根据上文Without her to watch out for him可知,在没有母亲照顾的情况下,父亲担心如果发生了什么事,谁会找到他并帮助(help)他。be concerned about担心。故选B

3A.watch                                                    Bvisit

Cserve                                                         Dhelp

解析:D 参见上题解析。

4A.hit on                                                    Blet out

Cpicked out                                                Dsearched for

解析:A 根据上文My sister and I live in other states可知,作者和妹妹离父亲比较远,所以她们想到(hit on)发电子邮件(e­mail)的方式,故选A

5A.diary                                                     Be­mail

Ccard                                                         Dpicture

解析:B 参见上题解析。

6A.born                                                      Bheard

Cpresented                                                  Daccepted

解析:A 根据上文要求父亲每天早上发一封邮件等细节可知,此处表示每天早上报平安就这样产生了(born),故选A

7A.forming                                                 Bhiding

Cbreaking                                                   Dwaiting

解析:D 根据上文He's usually up at the break of dawn可知,父亲早早起来给作者发了邮件,此处指邮件在信箱里等着(waiting)作者,故选D

8A.dress up                                                 Bget in

Cwake up                                                   Dgo away

解析:C 父亲起来早给作者发邮件,而此时作者还没有醒来(wake up),故选C

9A.If                                                           BUntil

CThough                                                    DSince

解析:A 根据下文there's no email, I call him, or my sister does, to make sure everything is ________可知,此处表示如果(if)没有收到邮件,作者会打电话,故选A

10A.clear                                                    Bfine

Cready                                                        Dsafe

解析:B 根据上文可知,作者让父亲每天发邮件就是为了报平安。fine(状况)好的。故选B

11A.meet                                                     Bcheck

Ctrain                                                         Dlesson

解析:B 根据上文作者让父亲发邮件报平安的细节描述可知,这是一种检查(check)是否一切都好的方式,故选B

12A.Behind                                                 BAfter

CBesides                                                     DThrough

解析:D 根据下文Dad tells us about his daily life可知,此处是指通过(Through)邮件父亲告诉作者她们他的日常生活,故选D

13A.passes                                                   Breturns

Cends                                                         Dworks

解析:C 根据All my love, Dad.可知,此处是指邮件以这句话结尾(ends),故选C

14A.alive                                                     Bsick

Casleep                                                       Dyoung

解析:A 根据下文Now that she is gone可知,此处是指母亲活着的(alive)时候,故选A

15A.controlled                                            Breplaced

Creserved                                                    Dchanged

解析:C 根据下文Now that she is gone, he shares those feelings and his experiences with us.可知,母亲在世时很关心父亲,父亲的爱通常留给(reserved)母亲,故选C

16A.common                                               Bpopular

Cfunny                                                       Dsimple

解析:D 根据上文作者让父亲发邮件的细节描述可知,这是一个简单的(simple)确保父亲一切都好的方式,故选D

17A.truth                                                    Bcloseness

Csense                                                         Dview

解析:B 根据上文可知,发邮件的方式让作者更了解父亲,让他们的关系更亲密(closeness),故选B

18A.grateful                                                Bproud

Chopeful                                                     Dsurprised

解析:A 父亲会使用电脑,才能给她们写邮件分享日常,所以作者对此表示感激(grateful)和庆幸,故选A

19A.read                                                     Bdiscuss

Cwrite                                                        Dreceive

解析:C 根据we'll have to find other ways to stay in touch可知,作者知道有一天他再也不能写(write)邮件了,故选C

20A.different                                              Bbusy

Cimportant                                                 Dnormal

解析D 根据上文Dad tells us about his daily life可知父亲与我们分享的是普通的(normal)日常生活故选D

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