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(北师大版)2022高三一轮复习课时作业:必修1 Unit 1 Lifestyles 单元主题语篇训练 (二) Word版(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本北师大版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小935 K
  • 更新时间2022/1/3 13:39:04
    下载统计今日0 总计0
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I was recently involved in a bad traffic accident.I was knocked unconscious by the impact so I don't __1__ anything about the accident.My first memory is lying in the back of the ambulance and being given oxygen as the doctors and nurses tried to __2__ me back to life.

As I lay in the emergency room, I found myself __3__ my life and thanking God that I was still __4__.The good news is that nobody else was __5__ and my dog Casey wasn't with me.

Since that day, the physical recovery has been __6__ but not as tough as the emotional recovery.I've learned a lot about myself and about what really __7__ in this world.Things that are really important are not “things”. I'm not invincible (无敌的) and I cannot __8__ everything that happens in my life.I need to be better at __9__ the things that come my way that I didn't plan for.As someone who was always in a __10__ it taught me to slow down a little.I have learned to live each day honestly and __11__.If you have a bucket list (遗愿清单), start doing those things.If not, __12__ one.We all have __13__. Don't wait for “someday” because “someday” may __14__ come. Besides, I am very __15__ that I have family and neighbors who stepped in to help me deal with this __16__.I feel blessed.

__17__ I continue to heal physically and emotionally, I have a different opinion on __18__.When tragedy (悲剧) strikes, you can either let it __19__ your spirit, or use it as an opportunity to grow and look at life from a different perspective.

I have chosen to __20__ from it.


1A.receive                                 Bremember

Cmention                                                    Dcare

解析B 根据空前的I was knocked unconscious和空后的first memory可推知作者被撞到失去了意识车祸过程都记不起来了。

2A.bring                                                     Bhit

Cpay                                                           Danswer

解析:A 根据空后的to life可推知,医护人员正全力抢救作者。bring sb.back to life 意为救活某人

3A.sacrificing                                              Bpredicting

Canalyzing                                                  Dmourning

解析:C 根据下文作者对人生的思考可知,作者苏醒过来以后开始分析自己的人生并感谢上帝他还活着。

4A.wealthy                                                  Balive

Coptimistic                                                 Dhealthy

解析:B 参见上题解析。

5A.threatened                                             Binformed

Cignored                                                     Dhurt

解析:D 根据The good newsmy dog Casey wasn't with me可推知,所幸没有其他人受伤。

6A.difficult                                                 Bsmooth

Cquick                                                        Dstable

解析:A 根据but not as tough as the emotional recoverytough的提示可判断选A项。

7A.works                                                    Bhappens

Cmatters                                                     Dfunctions

解析:C 根据空后的Things that are really important are not things可知,作者更加了解自己了,并且知道了在这个世界上什么才是真正重要的。

8A.understand                                            Bcontrol

Cidentify                                                    Doversee

解析:B 根据I'm not invincible (无敌的)可推知,作者认为有些事是自己无法控制的。

9A.rejecting                                                Bidentifying

Cimproving                                                 Daccepting

解析:D 对一些突如其来的事情最好学会接受。

10A.hurry                                                   Bdilemma

Croutine                                                     Dmess

解析A 根据空后的slow down a little可知作者以前一直匆匆忙忙这件事教会他慢下来。

11A.comfortably                                          Bquietly

Cfully                                                         Dbusily

解析:C 作者知道了要真诚并充实地过好每一天。

12A.steal                                                     Bimagine

Cdesign                                                       Dmake

解析:D 如果你有遗愿清单,那么就开始做清单上的事情吧。如果没有,那就列一个遗愿清单。

13A.pains                                                    Bmemories

Cdreams                                                     Dhobbies

解析:C 我们每个人都有梦想。

14A.never                                                   Balways

Ceven                                                         Dever

解析:A 不要等某一天再去实现,那一天也许永远也不会到来。

15A.sure                                                     Bworried

Cgrateful                                                    Dsurprised

解析:C 作者很感恩家人与朋友在这场灾难到来的时候,帮自己渡过难关。

16A.failure                                                  Bdisaster

Ccondition                                                  Dincident

解析:B 参见上题解析。

17A.As                                                        BBefore

CUnless                                                       DAlthough

解析:A 在作者康复的阶段,对生活有了不同的看法。

18A.love                                                      Bfuture

Cwork                                                        Dlife

解析:D 参见上题解析。

19A.lift                                                       Bbreak

Cprotect                                                     Dshow

解析:B 当悲剧袭来的时候,你可以让它摧毁你的意志,也可以用它来给自己一个机会成长并从不同的角度来看待生活。

20A.suffer                                                   Bescape

Cdiscover                                                    Dlearn

解析:D 作者选择了从中吸取教训。

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