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Five of Missouri's Top Outdoor Attractions

If you are in Missouri, where would you like to visit outdoors? Here are some recommendations.

Dogwood Canyon Nature Park

Is 10, 000 square miles of nature enough for you? Well, that's what you will get a visit to this nature park. Dogwood Canyon is one of the oldest landforms in the United States, with some log cabins of long history. You can explore the habitat with activities like horseback riding fishing, hiking, wildlife tours and more.

Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge

If you are looking for the feathered creatures this wildlife preserve is your best bet. It was established for migratory birds in 1935. It is one of the top areas for bird-watching in the United States of America. Fishing, hiking and photography are all on the agenda.

Ha Ha Tonka State Park

This park features everything from hiking trails to an abandoned stone castle. Ha Ha Tonka State Parka 20th-century stone mansion, has caves, sinkholes geological formations and so on. There are boardwalks that make trails accessible to all visitors along with convenient picnic areas for lunch.

Chaumette Vineyards & Winery

Who needs Europe when you can just pop over to Missouri to enjoy a best-in-class luxury wine-tasting vacation? This resort destination offers local wines grown in the region. The tasting rooms are open year-round.

Elephant Rocks State Park

Rocks that represent elephants? Yes please. These natural geological formations look like they stepped right out of the circus, when in fact they were formed from 1.5 million-year-old stones. These rocky wonders are a can't-miss item on your Missouri list.

21. What makes Dogwood Canyon Nature Park unique?

A. Going fishing and hiking.                                        B. Enjoying some tasty wine.

C Spotting some old wood cabins.                                 D. Seeing some animal-shaped stones.

22. If you are interested in bird-watching, which park may be your best choice?

A. Dogwood Canyon Nature Park.                                B. Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge.

C. Ha Ha Tonka State Park.                                          D. Chaumette Vineyards & Winery.

23. What do Ha Ha Tonka State Park and Elephant Rocks State Park have in common?

A. They are of the biggest size.                                     B. They are of the longest history.

C. They are full of tracks and trails.                               D. They are rich in stones and rocks.

【答案】21. C    22. B    23. D




细节理解题。根据Dogwood Canyon Nature Park段落中的第三句“Dogwood Canyon is one of the oldest landforms in the United States, with some log cabins of long history ”(山茱萸峡谷是美国最古老的地貌之一,其中有一些历史悠久的小木屋)可知,山茱萸峡谷有一些历史悠久的小木屋。故选C


细节理解题。根据Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge中的“It is one of the top areas for bird-watching in the United States of America”(它是美国最适宜观鸟的地区之一)可知,它适宜观鸟。故选B


细节理解题。根据Ha Ha Tonka State Park部分的“Ha Ha Tonka State Parka 20th-century stone mansion, has caves, sinkholes geological formations and so on”(哈哈哈唐卡国家公园是一座20世纪的石砌大厦,有洞穴、天坑、地质构造等)和Elephant Rocks State Park“These natural geological formations look like they stepped right out of the circus, when in fact they were formed from 1. 5-illion-year-old stones”(这些自然地质构造看起来像是从马戏团里走出来的,而实际上它们是由150万年前的石头形成的)可知,两个地方都有石林。故选D

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