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2022版新高三一轮总复习提能练(十二) 必修3 Unit2 HealthyeatingWord版(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
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  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小943 K
  • 更新时间2021/12/3 14:34:26
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Until last yearBorris would never turn down a pork steak.By the time his ownerAnnemarie Formoyentered him in the PDSA Pet Fit Club competitionhe was 28kgalmost double his recommended weight.Thanks to a tailored six­month diet and exercisehe is now 7kg lighter.

Borrisat his heaviestwas not alone.The worldwide rate of pet obesity(肥胖症) lies between 22% and 44%.The reasons are fairly predictable.Owners of overweight dogs feed them more snacks and table leftoversare more likely to have their pets present as they prepare their own meals and are less likely to walk them daily.Owners of obese cats tend to use food as a reward and play with them less.

But obesity also seems to be occurring even in some wild animals that aren't being overfed or under­exercised.If these findings are truesomething else must be driving obesity and uncovering those could help solve our own problems with the condition.

Labradors are consistently the headline act when it comes to overweight dogs says Eleanor Raffana veterinarian and geneticist.She and fellow researchers discovered that a genetic mutation(基因变异) present in around a quarter of Labradors was associated with obesity.For each copy of the mutation—which occurred in a gene called POMC—a dog was about 2kg heavier.Most of the animals the researchers studied had one copy of the mutationbut fewer had two.

These are dogs always in the kitchen when owners are preparing foodsticking around scouring_a_titbit even if there's not much chance of getting foodor eating disgusting stuff on walks Raffan says.But they're not doing that because it's fun.They're doing it because they're hungry.”

That's because POMC mutations disturb the brain's function of controlling food intake and energy consumption.As a resultthe behaviour of these Labradors becomes very food­motivated.

语篇解读 全球宠物肥胖率在22%44%之间,弄清楚宠物肥胖的原因对人类应对肥胖问题也很有启发。

1What is the function of mentioning Borris in the beginning?

AStress obesity is common in pets.

BShow people's love for pets.

CReveal pets have a superior lifestyle.

DIndicate the need for pets to lose weight.

A [考查推理判断。根据第一段内容可知文章开头提及肥胖的Borris被其主人送去参加宠物健身俱乐部大赛以帮助其减肥再结合第二段开头的Borrisat his heaviestwas not alone可知Borris并不是个案由此可推知文章第一段举Borris的例子的作用是强调宠物肥胖很常见。故选A]

2How is Paragraph 2 mainly developed?

ABy listing figures.

BBy giving examples.

CBy analyzing causes.

DBy making comparisons.

C [考查写作手法。根据第二段内容尤其是The reasons are fairly predictable可知本段先指出全球宠物肥胖率在22%44%之间然后分析这一现象的原因。故选C]

3Why are Labradors ranked first among obese dogs?

AThey tend to be lazy by nature.

BThey all carry POMC genes.

CTheir owners often overfeed them.

DMany of them have POMC mutations.

D [考查细节理解。根据第四段内容可知约有四分之一的拉布拉多犬体内的基因变异与肥胖相关。这种变异发生在名为POMC的基因中该基因每发生一次变异狗就会增重约2公斤。]

4Which is closest in meaning to the underlined part in Paragraph 5?

ALook for something to eat.

BTake up the kitchen.

CGet something down.

DMake up to their owners.

A [考查短语理解。根据倒数第二段内容可知画线部分所在句是说:这些狗在主人准备食物的时候经常待在厨房里四处转悠着寻找吃的即使没什么机会得到一口吃的或者在路上捡一些令人作呕的东西吃。由此可知画线部分的含义应是寻找吃的故选A]

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