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上海市华东师范大学附属东昌中学2020-2021学年高一下学期期中试题(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试卷
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  • 适用年级高一年级
  • 文件大小1051 K
  • 更新时间2021/10/9 14:58:48
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A “Growth Mindset” Can Lead to Success

The most successful people are fond of telling us about their passion for their professions. And passion has been believed to be essential to not only their success, but also their happiness.

Unfortunately, ____11____ some people have a clear “calling” from a young age, many still leave education without knowing their vocation in life. They may spend their whole life without having ever discovered a career that truly ____12____ (interest) them. In the past ten years, the researcher ____13____ (demonstrate) that some people tend to see their abilities as “fixed”—they believe that they are either born with a talent for something or they don’t have it completely. What can they do?

Some answers come from the work of Paul O’Keefe. In his mindset theory, the most basic foundation of passion is having an intense interest in ____14____ you’re doing. Meanwhile, people also have the capacity to cultivate new interests outside their normal fields. ____15____ (consider) arts students looking at a piece about science, or “techy” students reading an article on literary criticism(文学评论). ____16____ the students have very little initial curiosity about the subject, with the growth mindset, they will change their ratings of the interest in that new subject after reading the piece.

In addition, a person’s mindset can also determine how long they would be interested in more difficult content and ____17____ they would plan to deal with the content or not. In one experiment, after ____18____(show) a video about black holes, people had to read a challenging academic paper on the subject. The people with the growth mindset maintained their interest: they were _____19_____ (willing) to know about the black holes despite the difficulties of grasping the technical material. By contrast, the flame of interest quickly burnt out in those with the fixed mindset. “Within the span of seven minutes they went from saying ‘this is fascinating’ ______20______saying ‘no, I’m done,’” says O’Keefe.

【答案】11. while/although/though   

12. interests   

13. has demonstrated   

14. whatever/what   

15. Consider   

16. Even if/though   

17. whether   

18. being shown   

19. more willing   

20. to

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