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(外研版)2022版高三一轮复习练案36选修6Module6WarandPeace练习(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本外研版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小965 K
  • 更新时间2021/9/9 11:09:17
    下载统计今日0 总计1
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I slowly walked past rows of happy parents.How can I play Ode to Joy? I wondered.  1.B  was the last thing I felt.I felt as if I was being  2.D  to the principal's office.I reached the piano and climbed onto the bench.I felt the  3.C  .My teacher stood nearbysmiling encouragingly.Okay.Here I go.

My  4.A  hit the first note.There was no sound.What was happening? I tried again.Nothing! The only  5.D  were terrible oneswhich were soon joined by my own  6.C  sobs.I jumped off the piano bench and ran to my mother's  7.A  arms.She hugged me and carried me to the car.I  8.D  all the way home.Then Mom led me into her bedroom.I knew what was coming.This was where we had all of our talks.She  9.B  so we were at eye lever.“KatyI'm very proud of you”she said.“It's okay that you didn't  10.C  tonight.”

I didn't understand.Mom sat on the bed and  11.D  me onto her lap.“What you did took a lot of bravery.The important thing isyou  12.A  ”she said.“That's all that matters to me.”She wrapped her arms around me and held me tight.

I went to sleep feeling more  13.B  than anyone else in the world.The next dayMom told me my piano teacher had  14.C  .The school piano was electric.No one had switched it  15.A  .They wouldn't make that mistake next time.What a  16.D 

The evening of the next performancemy mother's eyes shined with  17.B  when I sat down to play.The hard part was trying.That was the important thing.I could do that.I put my hands on the keys.Ode to Joy  18.C  the hall with its sweet soundas if it rose all the  19.A  to the angels in Heaven.My mother has since joined those angels.But the  20.B  she taught me and the memory of her loving arms will stay with me forever.


1A.Sorrow                 BJoy

CInterest                       DTension


2A.persuaded                    Binvited

Cthrown                         Dsent

解析:根据设空处前面的“Joy was the last thing I felt.”可知,作者并不高兴,说明这时候作者的感受就像被叫到校长办公室训话一样。sent“被送往符合题意。故选D

3A.noises                       Bbooks

Ckeys                           Dcrowds

解析:根据设空处前面的“I reached the piano and climbed onto the bench.”可知,作者准备弹琴,这时候是用手指触摸着琴键。keys“符合题意。故选C

4A.finger                       Bhand

Cfeet                           Deyes


5A.knocks                       Bbeats

Cstops                          Dsounds

解析:根据上文中的“There was no sound.”可知,作者弹第一个音符的时候,没有任何声音。唯一发出的声音非常难听,并很快掺杂了作者的啜泣声。sounds“声音符合题意。故选D

6A.excited                      Bjoyful

Cpitiful                        Dfunny


7A.open                         Bcold

Cslim                           Dstrong

解析:根据下文中的“She hugged me”可知,作者的妈妈张开双臂拥抱作者。“open arms”符合题意。故选A

8A.complained                   Bwhistled

Cwhispered                      Dcried


9A.lay down                     Bbent down

Cstood up                       Djumped up

解析:结合生活常识,作者的妈妈为了和作者达成齐眼高度弯下腰。所以“bent down”是最合适的答案。根据常识,家长和孩子谈话很少躺着,所以A项不合适。

10A.sing                        Bwork

Cplay                           Dstop

解析:根据第一段中的“How can I play Ode to Joy可知,今天晚上作者本来需要做的事情是钢琴演奏,但没有演奏。play“演奏符合题意。故选C

11A.dragged                     Bleft

Cdrove                          Dlifted

解析:根据设空处后面的“onto her lap”可知,妈妈坐下后把我抱到了她的腿上。lifted“提;举符合题意。故选DAdragged意思是拉;拽,显然不符合题意。

12A.tried                       Bacted

Cstarted                        Dlaughed

解析:根据倒数第一段中的“The hard part was trying.”可知,在妈妈看来,作者最重要的就是努力过了。tried“努力;尝试符合题意。故选A

13A.respected                   Bloved

Cvalued                         Dguided


14A.reminded                    Bagreed

Ccalled                         Dwarned


15A.on                          Boff

Cover                           Din

解析:根据设空处前面的electric可知,作者之所以没能成功地弹奏钢琴,就是因为当时钢琴没有打开电源开关。switch on“开启符合题意。故选A

16A.surprise                    Bpity

Cpain                           Drelief


17A.care                        Bpride

Canger                          Dworry

解析:根据第二段中的“I'm very proud of you”和前后句内容可知,再一次坐下来弹奏的时候,母亲为作者感到骄傲和自豪,因此眼睛里闪耀着骄傲的光芒。所以pride符合题意。故选B

18A.provided                    Bequipped

Cfilled                         Dloaded

解析:根据设空处后面的“the hall with its sweet sound”可知,美妙的音乐充满了整个大厅。filled“充满;遍布符合题意。故选C

19A.way                         Btime

Cseats                          Dplaces

解析:根据上下文可知,美妙的音乐仿佛一路升高到了天堂的天使那里。固定搭配all the way意思是一路上way“符合题意。故选A

20A.note                        Blesson

Ccontest                        Dcourage

解析根据设空处后面的“she taught me”可知这里指的是妈妈教给我的那一课。lesson“课;教训符合题意。故选B

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