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上海市杨浦区2021届高三下学期4月等级考质量调研二模试题(英语 解析版)
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Understanding the Closeness-Communication Bias(偏见)

Most of us assume that we communicate better with our friends and loved ones than we do with strangers. However, it is often the case that the closer we are to ____21____, the less likely we are to listen carefully to them. This phenomenon is called closeness-communication bias, and it has been known to affect personal relationships.

The reason ____22____ many people unconsciously “tune out” their family members or close friends is that they think they already know what the other person  ____23____ (say). It’s similar to the way in which you might not notice signs, landmarks, or scenery on a path you have travelled down numerous times.

Researchers have repeatedly demonstrated closeness-communication bias in experiments. In one such study, subjects were paired up in a room with friends or spouses, ____24____ (follow) by being paired up with complete strangers. Researchers then asked the subjects to interpret ____25____ their friends and spouses were saying to them. In the majority of cases, ____26____ most subjects assumed they would better understand those they were close to, they actually understood them no better than strangers. In some cases, they understood their close friends and spouses even less.

Another study showed that people are more likely to share their most worrisome troubles with people they were ____27____ (close) to rather than with their spouses or close friends. By sharing secrets with strangers, people are able to avoid  ____28____ (judge) and prevent creating unnecessary conflict within their close relationships.

Unfortunately, the closeness-communication bias is a reality that most people live ____29____ whether they know it or not. Not only ____30____ this prevent people from listening to those they love, but it also means their loved ones aren't listening to them, either.

【答案】21. somebody   

22. why    23. is going to/will say   

24. followed   

25. what    26. while   

27. less close   

28. being judged   

29. with    30. does



【详解】1.考查不定代词。句意:然而,通常的情况是,我们越接近某人,我们就越不可能仔细倾听他们的话。根据前文“Most of us assume that we communicate better with our friends and loved ones than we do with strangers. ”(我们大多数人认为我们与朋友和爱人的沟通,比与陌生人的沟通更好。)可知,此处指我们越接近某个人,所以用不定代词somebody,故填somebody

2.考查定语从句。句意:许多人之所以无意识地排斥他们的家庭成员或亲密的朋友,是因为他们认为自己已经知道对方会说什么。固定句式The reason why ... is that...,意为“......的原因就是......”,句中why引导的为定语从句,故填why

3.考查时态。句意同上。根据前文“they already know what the other person ”,可知此处指他们已经知道对方将要说什么。结合句意,此处用一般将来时。所以用is going to/ will say



6.考查让步状语从句。句意:虽然大多数受试者认为他们能更好地理解他们亲近的人,但实际上他们的理解并不比陌生人好。根据下文“ they actually understood them no better than strangers.”,可知此处表示让步,表示尽管含义,所以用while。故填while

7.考查比较级。句意:另一项研究表明,人们更倾向于把自己最烦恼的烦恼告诉那些不太亲近的人,而不是告诉他们的配偶或亲密的朋友。根据下文“rather than with their spouses or close friends”可知,此处指告诉那些不太亲近的人,所以用less close,故填less close

8.考查非谓语动词。句意:通过与陌生人分享秘密,人们能够避免被评判,避免在亲密关系中制造不必要的冲突。短语avoid doing sth.,意为避免做某事,分析可知,句子主语peoplejudge为动宾关系,所以judge要用被动。故填being judged

9.考查介词。句意:不幸的是,亲密沟通偏见,是大多数人要接受的现实,不管他们是否知道。短语live with,意为接受,忍受,分析句子可知,本句中that从句为定语从句,修饰先行词reality,此处指接受现实。故填with

10.考查部分倒装。句意:这不仅阻碍了人们倾听他们所爱的人话,也意味着他们所爱的人也不听他们的。not only位于句首时,句子要部分倒装。结合本句中but it also means ,可知时态为一般现在时,同时主语this为单三形式,所以部分倒装用助动词does,故填does

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