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(新人教版)2022高三一轮复习第一部分教材知识突破选修7Unit2Robots课时跟踪一练而就(英语 解析版)
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  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小943 K
  • 更新时间2021/8/18 17:41:22
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I always come across random acts of kindness in my life. Many years ago, I was     1     Costa Rica when I found myself in an    2     situation: my credit cards and bank cards went out of     3     abroad, and I only had $ 5     4 

I had no way to get money. I didn't know anybody in this country. I only knew basic Spanish, and besides the cash the only     5   I had was a return ticket to my country  in almost two     6  .     Back then, there was no such thing as mobile phones, and     7     email was very limited. To find help, I  decided to go to the countryside. With the only coins I had, I   8     the bus terminal (终点站) and found a village, which     9     almost the exact amount. About 4 hours later, I arrived at Santa Rosa Abajo at midnight.

I knocked door to door,   10     in my very poor Spanish that I was a foreigner travelling in Costa Rica with no money but I    11     to stay here for over ten days. I begged them for a     12  —such as cooking, cleaning and looking after their kids, anything like that. Everybody     13  “Oh my, but so poor are we that we have no    14     food or space. Maybe you can try the next     15  ” And they'd point me to another house.

  16  I arrived at a Chinese restaurant. The owner of the restaurant was very     17  . She gave me food and called the Red Cross to come to    18     me. With the help of the Red Cross, I spent my     19     days in Costa Rica.

This is one of the best trips I've ever had, because I realized that when you're in a position to be able to     20  it actually makes you feel happy.

【语篇解读】 文章讲述了作者在哥斯达黎加期间遭遇没钱没卡的日子,只好挨家挨户地寻求帮助,最后终于获得帮助的故事。

1A.circling                       Bconsidering

Centering                         Dvisiting

解析:选D 句意:多年以前,我在参观Costa Rica的时候,我发现自己处于一个尴尬的境地,我的信用卡和银行卡在国外无法使用,全身上下只有5美元。A项意为环行B项意为考虑C项意为进入D项意为参观。根据语境可知,此处表示作者正在参观。故选D

2A.absurd                         Bimpossible

Cawkward                          Dordinary

解析:选C A项意为荒谬的B项意为不可能的C项意为尴尬的D项意为普通的。根据语境可知,作者当时不能刷卡,只有5美元现金,情况很尴尬。故选C

3A.use                            Brange

Ccontrol                          Ddate

解析:选A A项意为使用B项意为范围C项意为控制D项意为日期。根据本句中的abroad可知,作者当时在国外,因此不能使用银行卡和信用卡。故选A

4A.advantage                      Bwonder

Ccash                             Dcredit

解析:选C A项意为“优势”;B项意为奇迹C项意为现金D项意为信用。根据下文的“besides the cash”可知,作者只有5美元现金。故选C

5A.necessity                      Bpossession

Cmemory                           Dimpression

解析:选B A项意为必需品B项意为所有物C项意为记忆D项意为印象。根据本句中的“besides the cash”可知,除了5美元现金外,作者仅有的东西是一张返程票。故选B

6A.hours                          Bdays

Cweeks                            Dmonths

解析:选C A项意为小时B项意为C项意为D项意为。根据下文语境可知,作者又在Costa Rica待了十几天。故选C

7A.again                          Beven

Cyet                              Dthus

解析:选B 句意:那个时候,没有像手机那样的东西,甚至邮件都非常有限。A项意为B项意为甚至C项意为然而D项意为因此。根据句意可知,上下文属于递进关系。故选B

8A.looked for                     Bheaded to

Cstayed at                        Dthought of

解析:选B look for意为寻找head to意为……走去stay at意为停留在think of意为想起。根据上文“To find help, I decided to go to the countryside.”可知,作者要去乡村寻求帮助,所以去汽车站。故选B

9A.created                        Bearned

Csaved                            Dcost

解析:选D A项意为创造B项意为挣钱C项意为挽救D项意为花费。根据语境可知,作者只有几个硬币,因而用所有的硬币乘车去能够去的地方。故选D

10A.explaining                    Breminding

Capologizing                      Dinforming

解析:选A 句意:我挨家挨户地敲门,用蹩脚的西班牙语解释说,我是一个来Costa Rica旅行的外国人,身上没有钱,但是我需要待十多天。A项意为解释B项意为提醒C项意为道歉D项意为通知。此处表示作者向别人解释。故选A

11A.managed                       Bneeded

Cfailed                           Dagreed

解析:选B A项意为设法做B项意为需要C项意为失败D项意为同意。根据语境可知,作者需要待十多天。故选B

12A.job                           Bmeal

Croom                             Dconversation

解析:选A A项意为工作B项意为C项意为房间D项意为对话。根据本句中的“such as cooking, cleaning and  looking after their kids”可知,作者在找工作。故选A

13A.accepted                      Bnodded

Creplied                          Dwithdrew

解析:选C A项意为接受B项意为点头C项意为回复D项意为收回。根据语境可知,此处表示作者收到了那些人的答复。故选C

14A.extra                         Bcheap

Cprepared                         Dwasted

解析:选A A项意为额外的B项意为便宜的C项意为准备好的D项意为浪费的。根据语境可知,大家都没有额外的钱和房间提供给作者。故选A

15A.time                          Bchance

Cfamily                           Drestaurant

解析:选C A项意为时间B项意为机会C项意为家庭D项意为饭馆。根据语境可知,大家都让作者去下一家试试。故选C

16A.Normally                      BNaturally

CDirectly                         DFinally

解析:选D A项意为正常地B项意为自然地C项意为直接地D项意为最后。根据下文中的“I arrived at a Chinese restaurant”可知,作者终于找到可以帮助他的人。故选D

17A.sensible                      Brich

Cconfident                        Dgenerous

解析:选D A项意为明智的B项意为富有的C项意为自信的D项意为慷慨的。根据下文中的“She gave me food and...”可知,中餐店老板很慷慨。故选D

18A.rescue                        Bcomfort

Cinterview                        Dencourage

解析:选A A项意为营救B项意为安慰C项意为采访D项意为鼓励。根据语境可知,作者处境艰难,餐厅老板让红十字会来帮助他。故选A

19A.frightening                   Binteresting

Cexciting                         Dremaining

解析:选D 句意:在红十字会的帮助下,我在Costa Rica度过了剩余的日子。A项意为恐怖的”;B项意为有趣的C项意为兴奋的D项意为剩余的。此处表示剩下的日子。故选D

20A.help                          Breceive

Csucceed                          Dtravel

解析:选B 根据语境可知,这次经历让作者意识到,当你处在一个能够接受别人帮助的情况时,经历的事情也会让你高兴。A项意为帮助B项意为收到,接受C项意为成功D项意为旅行。故选B

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