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(新人教版)2022届高三一轮总复习练案3必修1Unit3Traveljournal练习(英语 解析版)
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  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小964 K
  • 更新时间2021/8/17 16:52:28
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Göran Kropp was a Swedish adventurer and mountaineer.In 1972, at the age of six, with his father's help, he   1.D   Galdhøpiggen, the highest mountain in Northern Europe.Twenty four years later, he stood on the highest peak in the world, Mount Everest.His journey to the   2.A   shows just how independent, persistent(坚持的), and determined this   3.A   man is.

 4.C   most people arrive at the foothills of Mount Everest by some sort of modern   5.B  Kropp bicycled 8,000 miles from his home in Sweden.Traveling by bike was not   6.B  .He stopped many times to   7.C   his bike because rough roads caused mechanical problems for him.In addition, he was run after by dogs, stung by hornets (马蜂) and was caught in the rain several times before he   8.B   the base of the mountain.

Kropp   9.A   to climb Mount Everest the same way he traveled to the mountain: without the   10.C   of others and without modern conveniences.Unlike other   11.C   Kropp climbed the mountain without a guide or helper.He did not   12.D   bottled oxygen to help him   13.A   at high altitudes, and he carried all of his   14.D   himself in a pack that weighed about 140 pounds.

It took Kropp   15.A   tries to reach the top of Mount Everest.The first time, he had to   16.D   only 350 feet from the top because the weather was too dangerous.Just a few days earlier, at that same level eight climbers had   17.C   because of a sudden snowstorm in the mountain.He felt deep sorrow for them, but became more   18.B  .The mountaineer waited out the storm,   19.D  and tried again a few days later.This time, he was   20.B  .After he walked down the mountain, he got back on his bike and rode the 8,000 miles back to Sweden.

文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。瑞典探险家Göran Kropp在六岁时便在父亲的帮助下登上北欧最高峰Gald hopiggen;二十四年后,他登上了世界最高峰——珠穆朗玛峰。在登山过程中,他从瑞典骑行8 000英里来到山脚,在不借助他人帮助的情况下成功登上山顶。

1A.heard of                 Bdreamed of

Csaw                              Dclimbed

解析:根据上文“Göran Kropp was a Swedish adventurer and mountaineer.”可知,Göran Kropp是瑞典探险家和登山者;结合该句“In 1972, at the age of six, with his father's help, he   1   Galdhøpiggen, the highest mountain in Northern Europe.”可知,他在六岁时,在父亲的帮助下登上北欧最高峰GaldhøpiggenD项意为攀登,故D项正确。A项意为听说B项意为梦想C项意为看到

2A.top                            Bcountry

Carea                             Dvalley

解析:根据空前一句“Twenty four years later, he stood on the highest peak in the world, Mount Everest.”可知,在二十四年后,他登上了世界最高峰珠穆朗玛峰。由此可知,他登上世界之顶的壮举展示了他的独立、坚忍不拔的精神。A项意为顶,顶端,故A项正确。B项意为国家C项意为地区D项意为山谷,都与语境不符。

3A.outstanding                    Bgenerous

Cmodest                           Dhonest


4A.Unless                         BOnce

CWhile                            DBecause

解析:根据该句中的“most people arrive at...Kropp bicycled 7,000 miles from his home in Sweden”可知,尽管大部分人是通过一些现代车辆(vehicle)来到珠穆朗玛峰山脚下的,但是Kropp是从瑞典的家里骑行八千英里来到珠穆朗玛峰山脚下。C项意为尽管,虽然,符合语境,故C项正确。A项意为除非B项意为一旦D项意为因为,都与语境不符。

5A.design                         Bvehicle

Ctheory                           Dmaterial


6A.boring                         Beasy

Ctiring                           Dbusy

解析:根据常识和下文中的“He stopped many times to   7   his bike”可知,骑行去珠穆朗玛峰脚下是不容易的。B项意为容易的,故B项正确。A项意为令人厌烦的C项意为令人疲劳的D项意为忙碌的,都与语境不符。

7A.lock                           Bride

Crepair                           Dfind

解析:根据下文中的“because rough roads caused mechanical problems for him”可知,由于崎岖的道路引发自行车机械故障,所以他不得不多次停下修理自行车。C项意为修理,故C项正确。A项意为锁上B项意为D项意为发现,都与语境不符。

8A.left                           Breached

Cdiscovered                       Dtoured


9A.chose                          Brefused

Cagreed                           Dhated

解析:根据下文中的“without the   10   of others and without modern conveniences”可知,Kropp选择了他到山脚的同样的方式去攀登山峰,即不要别人以及现代设备的帮助。A项意为选择,故A项正确。B项意为拒绝C项意为同意D项意为讨厌

10A.presence                      Bapproval

Cassistance                       Dknowledge


11A.observers                     Btravelers

Cmountaineers                     Dhikers


12A.gather                        Border

Cshare                            Dbring

解析:根据该句中的“He did not   12   bottled oxygen to help him   13   at high altitudes”可知,他没有带氧气瓶帮助自己在高山上呼吸。D项意为带来,故D项正确。A项意为收集B项意为命令C项意为分享,都与语境不符。

13A.breathe                       Bwalk

Clive                             Dstay


14A.medicines                     Bfood

Cclothes                          Dequipment

解析:根据该句中的“he carried all of...in a pack that weighed about 140 pounds”可知,他用一个大背包自带所有设备,总重大概140磅。D项意为设备,故D项正确。A项意为药物B项意为食物C项意为衣服

15A.two                           Bthree

Cmany                             Dseveral

解析:根据下文中的“The first time”以及该段倒数第三句中的“and tried again a few days later”可知,Kropp尝试了两次才登上珠穆朗玛峰。故A项正确。

16A.go on                         Bget up

Cset out                          Dturn back

解析:根据该句中的“because the weather was too dangerous”可知,第一次登山时,由于天气太危险,他不得不在离山顶只有350英尺的地方折回。D项意为折回,故D项正确。A项意为继续B项意为起身C项意为出发

17A.slipped                       Bwandered

Cdied                             Dhurt

解析根据语境并结合该句“Just a few days earlier, at that same level eight climbers had   17   because of a sudden snowstorm in the mountain.”可知数天前由于在珠穆朗玛峰相同的高度突然发生暴风雪八名登山者死亡。C项意为死亡,故C项正确。A项意为滑落B项意为徘徊D项意为伤害(感情),伤心,都与语境不符。

18A.astonished                    Bdetermined

Csatisfied                        Ddiscouraged

解析:根据下文中的“tried again a few days later”可知,等暴风雪停止,数天后他又一次开始登山。由此可知,虽然他为故去的登山者感到悲伤,但是他变得更加坚定了。B项意为坚定的,故B项正确。A项意为惊讶的C项意为满意的D项意为丧气的

19A.hid                           Bstopped

Csurvived                         Drested

解析:根据该句“The mountaineer waited out the storm,   19  and tried again a few days later.”可知,这位登山者在暴风雪时休息数天,之后再次开始登山。D项意为休息,故D项正确。A项意为躲藏B项意为停止C项意为生存

20A.thoughtful                    Bsuccessful

Cdoubtful                         Dmeaningful

解析:根据下文中的“After he walked down the mountain”可知,这次他成功地登上了珠穆朗玛峰。B项意为成功的,故B项正确。A项意为深思的,体贴的C项意为怀疑D项意为有意义的,都与语境不符。

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