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  • 更新时间2021/8/16 9:00:16
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[导读] 《魔法师的外甥》(The Magician's Nephew ),英国作家C.S.路易斯,于1950年代所著《纳尼亚传奇》系列奇幻儿童文学小说第一部。

About a week after this it was quite certain that Digory's Mother was getting better.About a fortnight later she was able to sit out in the garden.And a month later that whole house had become a different place.Aunt Letty did everything that Mother liked: windows were openedfrowsy curtains were drawn back to brighten up the roomsthere were new flowers everywhereand nicer things to eatand the old piano was tuned and Mother took up her singing againand had such games with Digory and Polly that Aunt Letty would say “I declareMabelyou're the biggest baby of the three.”

When things go wrongyou'll find they usually go on getting worse for some time; but when things once start going right they often go on getting better and better.After about six weeks of this lovely life there came a long letter from Father in Indiawhich had wonderful news in it.Old Great­Uncle Kirke had died and this meantapparentlythat Father was now very rich.He was going to retire and come home from India forever and ever.And the great big house in the countrywhich Digory had heard of all his life and never seen would now be their home; the big house with the suits of armourthe stablesthe kennelsthe riverthe parkthe hot­housesthe vineriesthe woodsand the mountains behind it.So that Digory felt just as sure as you that they were all going to live happily ever after.But perhaps you would like to know just one or two things more.

Polly and Digory were always great friends and she came nearly every holidays to stay with them at their beautiful house in the country; and that was where she learned to ride and swim and milk and bake and climb.

In Narnia the Beasts lived in great peace and joy and neither the Witch nor any other enemy came to trouble that pleasant land for many hundred years.King Frank and Queen Helen and their children lived happily in Narnia and their second son became King of Archenland.The boys married nymphs and the girls married woodgods and river­gods.The lamp­post which the Witch had planted (without knowing it) shone day and night in the Narnian forestso that the place where it grew came to be called Lantern Waste; and whenmany years lateranother child from our world got into Narniaon a snowy nightshe found the light still burning.And that adventure wasin a wayconnected with the ones I have just been telling you.

It was like this.The tree which sprang from the Apple that Digory planted in the back gardenlived and grew into a fine tree.Growing in the soil of our worldfar out of the sound of Aslan's voice and far from the young air of Narniait did not bear apples that would revive a dying woman as Digory's Mother had been revivedthough it did bear apples more beautiful than any others in Englandand they were extremely good for youthough not fully magical.But inside itselfin the very sap of itthe tree (so to speak) never forgot that other tree in Narnia to which it belonged.Sometimes it would move mysteriously when there was no wind blowingI think that when this happened there were high winds in Narnia and the English tree quivered becauseat that momentthe Narnia tree was rocking and swaying in a strong south­western gale.Howeverthat might beit was proved later that there was still magic in its wood.For when Digory was quite middle­aged (and he was a famous learned mana professorand a great traveller by that time) and the Ketterleys' old house belonged to himthere was a great storm all over the south of England which blew the tree down.He couldn't bear to have it simply chopped up for firewoodso he had part of the timber made into a wardrobewhich he put in his big house in the country.And though he himself did not discover the magic properties of that wardrobesomeone else did.That was the beginning of all the comings and goings between Narnia and our worldwhich you can read of in other books.

When Digory and his people went to live in the big country housethey took Uncle Andrew to live with them; for Digory's Father said“We must try to keep the old fellow out of mischiefand it isn't fair that poor Letty should have him always on her hands.” Uncle Andrew never tried any Magic again as long as he lived.He had learned his lessonand in his old age he became a nicer and less selfish old man than he had ever been before.But he always liked to get visitors alone in the billiard­room and tell them stories about a mysterious ladya foreign royaltywith whom he had driven about London.“A devilish temper she had” he would say.“But she was a dem fine womansira dem fine woman.”

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