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(北师大版)2020-2021学年高中单元素养评价一Unit19Language选修7(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本北师大版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高二年级
  • 文件大小1140 K
  • 更新时间2021/4/7 17:05:12
    下载统计今日0 总计0
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  Get top tips from an expert photographer while you are taking digital photographs in the Garden at Kew.

Event details

  Wednesday 13—Thursday 14 February, 2019

  Time: 10: 30 am—4 pm

  Place: Kew Gardens

  Course Fee: 160

About the course

  This course is designed for camera-owners who would like to know the basics. It will explain some of the basic principles of photography such as focus and exposure as well as many of the practical aspects such as how to download and store images.

  The great part of the time will be spent practicing techniques by actually using cameras out in the beautiful gardens at Kew. There will be many opportunities to ask questions, review your own images and learn some top tips.

  This course is suitable for people with any sort of camera. It is useful to bring along instruction books, and you’ll need to make sure your batteries are fully charged and your memory card has some free space on it.

About the tutor

  Edward Parker is an expert tree and forest photographer who, over the last 20 years, has worked in more than 40 countries around the world. He has written more than 30 educational books and his photographs have been on exhibition at Kew Gardens, Downing Street and the Horniman Museum. Photographing Trees is his latest book.

How to book

  Email adulated@kew. org with a contact number, or call at 020 8332 5641.


21. Who might be interested in the course?

A. Beginners loving digital photography.

B. Advanced photographers loving nature.

C. Gardeners who are good at photography.

D. Expert photographers who are eager to help.

【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据About the course部分中第一段This course is designed for camera-owners who would like to know the basics. It will explain some of the basic principles of photography such as focus and exposure as well as many of the practical aspects such as how to download and store images. (本课程是为想要了解基本知识的相机拥有者而设计的。它将解释摄影的一些基本原理,如聚焦和曝光,以及许多实用方面,比如如何下载和存储图像。)可知喜欢数码摄影的初学者可能会对这门课程感兴趣。

22. What are you advised to take along with your camera?

A. A notebook.

B. The guide book.

C. A smart phone.

D. An empty memory card.

【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据About the course部分中最后一段It is useful to bring along instruction books, and you’ll need to make sure your batteries are fully charged and your memory card has some free space on it. (随身携带说明书是很有用的,你需要确保你的电池已经充满电,并且你的存储卡上有一些空间。)可知建议你随身携带指导手册和相机。

23. What can we learn about Edward Parker?

A. He lives by writing books.

B. He cares more about sightseeing.

C. His latest book becomes a bestseller.

D. His photographs have a certain influence.

【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据About the tutor部分中He has written more than 30 educational books and his photographs have been on exhibition at Kew Gardens, Downing Street and the Horniman Museum. (他写了30多本教育书籍,他的照片也在英国皇家植物园、唐宁街和霍尼曼博物馆展出。)可知Edward Parker的照片有一定的影响力。

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