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2020-2021学年高考完形填空专练Chapter8(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小981 K
  • 更新时间2021/2/4 17:18:25
    下载统计今日0 总计3
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No. 1

(2020. 广东省肇庆市2020届高三毕业班第三次检测英语试题)Angela McQueen had a routine when she's on lunch-monitoring duty. The longtime math teacher at Mattoon High School in Mattoon, Illinois, kept an eye on the hundreds of students in her ___1___by walking around the school ___2___when a 14-year-old boy standing not far from her pulled out a___3___

Oh! He's going to start shooting. She said to herself, School employees had been trained on how to handle___4___ shooters: Attack their ability to___5___So with the  shooter's finger on the trigger( 扳机), McQueen lunged at him. ___6___his arm, she forced the gun shoot into the___7___. As the students ran for the ___8___  hearing the sound, McQueen pressed the shooter with help from the school officer, who___9___the boy and took him into custody(监禁).___10___police arrived minutes later. Afterward, McQueen went outside to___11___her shaken students.

“It's, the mama-bear___12___,”she told the local paper, the Pantagraph.“I don't have kids of my own, but these are still ‘my' kids. You're not going to do this to my kids.”"

Thanks to McQueen, a story that has___13___ tragically at far too many schools across the country has a___14___ending. “If it hadn't been for her, the situation would have been a lot  ___15___, ”Police Chief Jeff Branson said at a news ___16___

As one ___17___student told CBS News, “Ms. McQueen is a ___18___.”According to years of research, school shooters have things___19___But what the rest of us have is___20___and bravery.

1. A. control          B. domain   C. charge    D. view

2 A. gym   B. playground              C. library      D. cafeteria

3. A. club       B. gun              C. knife      D. sheet

4. A. active       B. skeptical    C. potential              D. crazy

5. A. trigger              B. aim     C. decide .       D. pull

6. A. Blowing     B. Finding    C. Grasping              D. Attacking

7. A. crowd              B. students     C. air      D. staff

8. A. classrooms      B. entrances     C. hallways              D. exits

9. A. noticed       B. disarmed    C. discovered              D. caught

10. A. until      B. when    C. unless              D. though

11. A. inform      B. observe    C. comfort     D. call

12. A. sense     B. quality      C. attitude              D. purpose

13. A. taken up       B. shown off     C. given away              D. played out

14. A. happy    B. sad              C. wonderful     D. spectacular

15. A. difficult       B. different      C. controversial      D. similar

16. A. expression     B. reference        C. conference    D. paper

17. A. excited     B. impressed    C. satisfied              D. exhausted

18. A. teacher    B. mother              C. lady        D. hero

19. A. in common      B. in public      C. in danger       D. in vain

20. A. despair      B. hug     C. care .        D. hope

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