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浙江省宁波市2019-2020学年高一下学期期末考试试题(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试卷
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  • 更新时间2020/10/16 16:46:15
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“Quick, quick, slow, slow,” my husband said as I was trying to focus. We frequently stepped on each other’s feet. Both of us were being rhythmically(有节奏地)challenged, and we figured a series of lessons might help us look somewhat skilled on the dancing floor. However, it didn’t.

It didn’t matter that the lessons didn’t pay off. Our learning something new together gave us a string of good memories, such as taking a Thai cooking class on a cold Chicago night and learning how to make a classic cocktails in a common bar. These experiences are my best memories from the past 10 years. We always have such a great time when we’re trying something new together. It seems to have strengthened our relationship, and makes me feel like we have a closer connection.

It turns out my theory as such is backed by research. One study shows that learning new things with your spouse(配偶), friends, or partners, can strengthen your connection or friendship. But how exactly does this work? The key is weakness. “Learning new things together strengthens connection because it is at those moments that we can show our weakness to one another,” says Dr. Hisla Bates. “When we are learning a new task, misfortunes and failures are sure to happen. In those moments when we fail, the other party can be there in favor of us. We can Work together to find a solution, and working together helps deepen the connection.”

The benefits gained from learning new things with your partner can come from activities as small as hiking, trying a new diet, going boating in the local lake or taking a fitness class together. You don’t have to bungee jump or skydive to grow closer. Try selecting activities that both partners are unfamiliar with, as this will ensure you’re on the same page.

Trying to learn something new together once a month will benefit you and your spouse or friends . Overall, some of my best memories with my husband are the moments when we are learning something new together.

1. What were the author and her husband doing in Paragraph 1?

A. Playing sports.     B. Practising dance.   C. Teaching lessons.   D. Taking a walk.

2. The underlined word backed (in Paragraph 3) can be probably replaced by_______.

A. judged              B. made                C. doubted             D. supported

3. The purpose of writing this passage is to show us _______

A. the challenge of gaining new knowledge

B. the advantages of taking different lessons

C. the power of learning new things together

D. the importance of improving people’s connections

【答案】1. B    2. D    3. C





细节理解题。根据第一段中“We frequently stepped on each other’s feet.(我们经常踩到彼此的脚)”“and we figured a series of lessons might help us look somewhat skilled on the dancing floor.(我们认为一系列的课程可能帮助我们在舞池看起来稍微熟练点)”可知,作者和丈夫是在练习舞蹈。故选B项。


词句猜测题。根据第三段第二句“One study shows that learning new things with your spouse(配偶), friends, or partners, can strengthen your connection or friendship.(一项研究表明,和你的配偶,朋友或者同伴一起学习新事物,可以增进你们的关系或者友谊)”可知,这项研究结果和上文作者通过自己的体验得出的结论一致,由此可推知,划线词所在句“It turns out my theory        as such is backed by research.”意为我这样的理论是受到研究支持的,划线词“backed”意为支持,故选D项。


推理判断题。通读全文,并结合最后一段中“Trying to learn something new together once a month will benefit you and your spouse or friends .(每个月尽力一起学习一次新事物,会让你和你的配偶或者朋友受益)”可知,文章主要讲述作者通过自己的体验得出:与别人一起学习新事物的好处,所以文章的目的是向我们展示一起学习新事物的力量。故选C项。


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