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(新人教版)2020秋高中单元质量评估三选修6(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本新人教版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高二年级
  • 文件大小1311 K
  • 更新时间2020/10/15 18:06:12
    下载统计今日0 总计0
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I was involved in  unhealthy eating and exercise behaviour on and off for five years.For the majority of these five yearsI appeared “normal” to the untrained eye.But I was suffering eating disorder (饮食紊乱)And I was struggling.

Recovery felt too hard.In the early stages of my recoveryI  had  to  actively  distance  myself  from triggering(诱发) material. But it didn't work for me.At last I decided not to struggle alone.I needed to admit to everyone else that I was struggling.

I made time for people who inspired me.One of those people was my best friendScarlett.Shewithout doubthas helped save my life.I say this because she has inspired me to not only accept my body but embrace(拥抱) it.She has also shown me that being strong and smart is beautiful.She never escapes from delicious foodwhich has encouraged me to do the same.

We challenged the  society's view on beauty together.We debated everything from body shaping to the fitness industry.We broke down social media and Photoshop.We discussed medication and panic attacks.Nothing was taboo.And that was exactly what I needed.

I needed someone who didn't just listen but understood.Having a mentor who guided me through the recovery process haswithout doubtbeen the key to my recovery.Having someone in my life who actively debunks(揭穿) the idea that losing weight is the answer is invaluable.I'm so glad I have such a friend in my life.

Observing the way Scarlett treats herself continues to inspire me and encourage me to pursue full recovery.My relationship with my bodyfood and exercise has changed and much of that I contribute to her influence and example.

I will keep moving forward.I will keep eating often and well.I will allow my body to be at whatever weight it wants to be at.I will do this not just for me but to be an example to others who may need that little bit of inspirationjust like I did all those months ago.

【语篇解读】 本文讲述了作者在朋友的帮助下克服了饮食失调症,对未来充满希望的故事。

1What was the author's problem?

ASuffering various diseases.

BHaving no time for exercise.

CNot looking normal to others.

DHaving an unbalanced diet.

解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的“But I was suffering eating disorder.”可知,作者患有饮食失调症。


2What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 mean?

AThey talked about topics carefully.

BThey could talk about everything.

CNothing was sad to the author.

DNothing was interesting.

解析:句意理解题。根据第四段中列举出的那些例子,以及画线句子后面的“And that was exactly what I needed.”可知,作者可以跟那位朋友无所不谈。


3What is the best title for the text?

AEating disorder is a disease

BThe great pain I have suffered

CMy friendship with my best friend

DMy best friend helped save my life



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