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(新人教版)2021高三一轮复习练习32语法填空+七选五+完形填空(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本新人教版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小948 K
  • 更新时间2020/10/15 10:18:20
    下载统计今日0 总计1
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I went to a classical music concert yesterday and I loved it. What I particularly   __1__ (experience) in a different way is how much I appreciated the musicians. I am   __2__   grateful for the gifts   __3__ (share)  by the musicians with the audience that I'll carry this special feeling along with me.

      I have noticed how the music can change one's view, and I am thankful for the way musicians work to the best of their    __4__   (able) to provide this music for their audience. This newfound appreciation is thanks to the kindness that I have been allowed    __5__     (develop) here on KindSpring and from all of you KindSpringers.

    On   __6__ topic of classical music, I always love the clapping and the cheering   __7__   come at the end of a concert.   __8__  (specific) in classical music concerts the applause can last six or seven minutes. It always    __9__    (lift) my spirits, but now I know that it's because it is an act of gratitude (感激) to the    __10__   (excellence) musicians and the music. Thanks to classical music concerts, I'll never fail to carry on with the act.


Countless parents have kids who just want to eat chicken pasta, or macaroni and cheese, and definitely without any vegetables.  So what's a parent to do?    __1__    We reached out to experts on healthy eating for kids, and they had a ton of great advice.

       Make food interesting.  Lori Day, an educational psychologist, thought that if kids found food interesting, they'd be more likely to try it. So Day let her daughter shell peas, count them, sort them by size and play with them before putting them in the pot.     __2__     “Make food interesting if your child is naturally curious and is willing to engage  Day said.

        __3__    Several parents talked about how bringing their children with them to the farmers market or the grocery store and having them help with the cooking can get them more excited and invested in what they are eating.  “Kids can be inspired to eat healthily when they are part of the meal” said Margaret McSweeney, host of the podcast Kitchen Chat.  “A trip to the local farmers market can connect them with the source of food.”

     Give kids choices. Ava Parnass, an infant­child psychotherapist said that from a young age, parents should let their kids choose foods and snacks they like, within reason.  “Give them more room to choose as they get older” she added. And never get into a power struggle with your kids about eating, she said.  “__4__”

      Model healthy eating.  Our kids can be influenced to make better choices if they watch us doing the same.  Pam Moore, founder of the blog Whatevs, says her kids always see her and her husband eating healthily.  “__5__    I often keep sliced veggies washedsliced and ready to eat for snacks.  Our children will ask for bites as time goes on, as they like to copy what we do” said Moore.

AFirst, don't stress out.

BGet the kids involved.

CInspire kids to eat healthily.

DHer daughter loved eating them raw or cooked.

EMake sure you are not overcontrolling or overeducating them.

FBoth my husband and I typically add greens to our eggs at breakfast.

GWe talk about food colors and how it's healthiest to make meals with various colors.

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