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  • 资源类别试卷
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  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小973 K
  • 更新时间2020/9/16 16:50:14
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    "Attention Moms and Dads... Your daughter is going to LOVE this FUN Dance Program in the Tampa Bay area!”

Only $40 per month! Limited spaces available! Hurry!

"This dance class is AWESOME... "

Our dance classes in Tampa, Florida are FUN, SAFE, and AFFORDABLE! Your daughter will develop confidence, high self-respect, and a positive attitude! This studio produces great results and and your daughter will feel welcome from Day One!

Tons of parents LOVE our team and so will you! You will see how this dance class causes your daughter to become healthy, fit, and most importantly happy!

Is your child ready to learn how to DANCE this year? Of course! Extreme Youth Sports EYS of Tampa is now accepting new kids for our 2020 Dance season! Our dance classes are specially designed for children aged 4 and up from beginners to advanced learners!

Why do parents in Tampa, Florida agree EYS is the BEST? It's simple. You will LOVE our Dance Studio because it is clean and comfortable. Our classes are FUN and SAFE. Our prices are affordable. We are so confident that your daughter will LOVE our classes. She can try ANY dance class for FREE! All you need to do is call us to schedule a day to start.

Dance classes in Tampa offered at a discount now!

Sign up today before all spaces are filled!

Click here to schedule your daughter's FREE Dance Class this week!

Office hours: Monday to Friday 1 a. m. ~5 p. m.

21What is one of the reasons why parents in Tampa, Florida think highly of EYS?

ATheir coaches are all experienced.          BTheir Dance Studio is well equipped.

CTheir dance classes are enjoyable and safe.   DTheir Dance Studio is large and comfortable.

22What do we know about the dance classes?

AThey are offered at reduced prices now.      BThey are clearly targeted at beginners.

CThey are available for seven hours daily.     DThey are designed to keep kids stay focused.

23What type of writing is this passage?

AAn activity review.                  BAn exhibition guide.

CA course description.                DAn admission advertisement.

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