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(外研版)2021高考一轮统考复习Book6Module3InterpersonalRelationships—Friendship课时作业(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本外研版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小964 K
  • 更新时间2020/8/14 16:25:53
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 (2020·南昌市重点中学高三年级段考试题)When I was born there was already another youngster in the family—a collie dog just three months old.

Laddie    1   near me, ate with me and played with me. I   2    dressed him in my clothes. We    3     almost everything and we hugged each other for comfort and     4  . I had no brothers or sisters, so he was my brother.  When I left for   5    he watched me from the window and on my return ran   6   to the door, his face lighting up with pleasure and love. We were     7  .

Years passed and sores ()     8   on his back and a growth (赘生物) on his lower lip. I thought a vet and     9   would cure him.

When I returned from school one day and opened the   10  there was no Laddie.  Believing he was playing  hideandseek”, I searched all his favorite     11   places. Meanwhile my parents were trying to      12      to me, but I was not listening, I was searching and calling madly for my     13  .

The blow was more than I could bear, and as a result I was   14   and off school for many weeks, suffering from extreme sadness.

Many years passed before I got a dog of my own.  He was my son's     15  . The two would get up to all kinds of mischief (顽皮).  When Yogi's      16   came we all went with him to the vet's and hugged him, petted him and     17   him for his company and love. That way it     18   the blow for us.

The loss of a(n)     19   is heartbreaking, but we have the option of providing that final release with dignity and avoiding     20  . It's what must be done.


1A.jumped      Bslept      Ccame      Dshouted

答案:B 根据语境和下文中的“he was my brother”(我把它当兄弟看)并结合选项可知,Laddie(slept)在“我”旁边,跟“我”一起吃,一起玩。

2A.never       Beven      Cquickly      Dthen

答案:B 根据语境并结合选项可知,“我”甚至给它穿“我”的衣服。

3A.tried       Bsaw      Cenjoyed      Dshared

答案:D 根据语境并结合选项可知,“我们”几乎分享所有的东西。

4A.friendship      Bfun      Cwarmth     Dstrength

答案:C 根据空前的“we hugged each other for comfort and”并结合选项可知,“我们”抱在一起,寻求安慰和温暖。

5A.school     Bmarket     Cwork     Dclinic

答案:A 根据下文中的“When I returned from school”可知,当“我”去上学的时候,它从窗户边看着“我”。

6A.slowly      Beagerly     Cwillingly      Dcarefully

答案:B 根据该句中的“his face lighting up with pleasure and love”可知,“我”放学回来的时候,它急切地朝门口跑过去。

7A.inseparable                        Breliable

Cunforgettable                        Drespectable

答案:A 上文讲作者和小狗一起睡、一起吃、一起玩,作者上学的时候,小狗从窗户边看着作者,作者放学的时候,小狗急切地向门口跑过去。这一切都说明,作者和小狗是亲密无间的。inseparable “亲密无间的”;reliable “可信赖的”;unforgettable “难以忘怀的”;respectable “受人尊敬的”。

8A.lay      Brode       Cappeared       Dlightened

答案:C 根据下文中的“a vet” “cure him”并结合常识可知,多年过去了,它的后背生了疮,下唇长了一个赘生物。appear “出现”符合语境。

9A.environment                        Bdiet

Cexercise                             Dmedicines

答案:D “我”想,兽医和药可以治愈它。由“a vet” “cure him”可知此处medicine符合语境。

10A.cupboard      Bwindow       Cbox        Ddoor

答案:D 根据6空后的“to the door”并结合语境可知,一天,当“我”从学校回来打开门时,没看到它。

11A.drinking      Bfeeding      Chiding     Dplaying

答案:C 根据该句中的“hideandseek”可知,“我”认为它在(跟“我”)玩捉迷藏,“我”找了它所有最喜欢的藏身之处。

12A.explain       Bcry      Cclarify        Dsigh

答案:A 根据语境并结合选项可知,与此同时,“我”父母试图向“我”解释,但“我”没听。

13A.father      Bmother     Cbrother       Dsister

答案:C 根据上文中的“so he was my brother”并结合语境可知,“我”在寻找,在发疯般喊着“我”的兄弟。

14A.moved       Bupset      Cill     Drelieved

答案:C 根据该句中的“off school for many weekssuffering from extreme sadness”可知,这个打击是“我”不能承受的,结果,“我”病了。

15A.tool      Btoy     Ccaretaker     Dcompanion

答案:D 根据空处下文表述“儿子和狗一起各种顽皮”可知,此处表示它是“我”儿子的伙伴。caretaker “监护人,看管人”。

16A.owner      Bfestival     Cfriend      Dtime

答案:D 根据语境可知,当Yogi的生命期限来到的时候,“我们”都陪它一起去了兽医那里。这里的time指的是“生命期限”。

17A.admired      Bthanked      Cpraised     Drewarded

答案:B “我们”抚摸着它,感谢它的陪伴和爱。

18A.suffered      Bsoftened      Creceived      Ddelivered

答案:B 根据语境可知,那种方式减轻了对“我们”的打击。soften意为“变缓和”。

19A.pet      Brelative     Canimal       Dtreasure

答案:A 失去宠物是让人心碎的,但“我们”可以选择不失尊严和避免痛苦的方式来对待宠物的离去。

20A.suffering                         Bmisunderstanding

Cdanger                               Dembarrassment

答案A suffering 痛苦”,符合语境。

t;line-height:150%; mso-hansi-font-family:宋体;mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";color:black'>答案:C 句意:我们大家都笑了起来,虽然我必须承认我还是觉得自己相当愚蠢。although “虽然,尽管”,符合语境。故C项正确。

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