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(外研版)2021高考一轮统考复习Book5Module5TheGreatSportsPersonality课时作业(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
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  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小962 K
  • 更新时间2020/8/14 16:24:07
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 For many, just taking part in a single marathon is the achievement of a lifetime. But for Julie Weiss, it has become a   1   routine. She has run 52 marathons—once a week—for the past year in memory of her dad who   2   just 35 days after he was   3   with pancreatic cancer (胰腺癌). When Julie Weiss lost her father in 2010, she was   4   to find the research for pancreatic cancer is so short of fund. It made me feel   5  ,” she said, “I knew I had to do something.”

 So this marathon queen,   6   she calls herself, did what she did best: she went running. Having completed 25 marathons during the   7   two years, Julie now vowed (发誓) to run 52 marathons in 52 weeks in   8   of her father. After asking people to   9   money for each marathon, she   10   a website, marathongoddess. com, to collect money for the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PANCAN), a nonprofit organization. Julie began her incredible   11   with a marathon in Rome and then entered a race every   12   in some city across North America.   13   leaving work at 5 pm on Friday she would be ready to begin the next race, before she   14   home to California on Sunday. Julie finished her 1,362 4­mile journey in March 2013,   15   more than $ 200,000 in the process for PANCAN.

While running, she stuck to a strict training schedule. My body's getting used to this. I'm changing my diet, becoming more healthy and learning to run more   16  ,” she said. When her muscles began to   17  she kept her   18   in mind. When you do what you love, for those you love, that is where the   19   happen. Together we can make a(n)   20  and pave the way for a happy, healthy, cancer­free life,” she said.

篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章叙述了主人公Julie Weiss每周都跑一次马拉松以此为胰腺癌患者筹集资金的故事。

1A.weekly                             Bmonthly

Cdaily                                Dyearly

答案:A 根据下文“She has run 52 marathons—once a week—for the past year in memory of ...”可知,对Julie Weiss来说,跑马拉松是每周都要执行的计划。故选A

2A.passed by                          Bpassed away

Cdied off                             Ddied out

答案:B 根据下文“When Julie Weiss lost her father in 2010”可知,Julie的父亲去世了。pass away “去世”。故选B

3A.connected                          Bdiagnosed

Ctreated                              Ddealt

答案:B 根据下文“Julie Weiss lost her father”可知,此处应指她的父亲被诊断出患有胰腺癌。be diagnosed with “被诊断患有……”。故选B

4A.inspired                           Bexhausted

Cinterested                           Dshocked

答案:D 根据此句中的“the research for pancreatic cancer is so short of fund”可知,发现用于治疗胰腺癌的资金是如此短缺的时候,Julie应是很震惊的,所以才有了她后来跑马拉松为胰腺癌研究筹集资金的行动。故选D

5A.desirable                          Bhelpless

Chopeful                              Dwishful

答案:B 上文提到Julie很震惊地发现治疗胰腺癌的资金是如此的短缺,由此可推知,这一发现使她感到无助。故选B

6A.while                              Bwhat

Cas                                   Dsince

答案:C 分析句子结构可知,空格处引导非限制性定语从句,指代先行词marathon queen,在从句中作calls的宾语。所给的四个选项中只有as可以引导定语从句,意为“正如”,符合语境。故选C

7A.previous                           Bprecious 

Cpresent                              Dprecise

答案:A 根据句首的“Having completed”可知,complete发生在vow之前,由此结合主句的时间状语“now”可知,此处应指Julie在过去的2年里跑了25场马拉松。故选A

8A.search                             Bneed

Chonor                                Dplace

答案:C 根据第一段中的“She has run 52 marathons ... in memory of her dad”可知,Julie跑马拉松是为了纪念她的父亲。故选C

9A.pay                                Bdonate 

Cmake                                 Dearn

答案:B 根据下文的“to collect money for the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PANCAN)”可知,Julie跑马拉松也是为了给PANCAN募捐,希望募捐来的钱可以医治更多的胰腺癌患者。故选B

10A.set up                            Bmade up

Cheld up                              Dbroke up

答案:A 根据下文的网站网址可推知,她创建了一家网站。故选A

11A.experiment                        Bstage 

Croad                                 Dchallenge

答案:D 根据常识可知,每个星期都要跑一场马拉松对Julie来说应是个不小的挑战,此处应指她的第一场挑战(跑马拉松)是在罗马。故选D

12A.day                               Bmorning   

Cweekend                              Dweekday

答案:C 根据下文可知,Julie是星期五下班后立马去参加马拉松比赛,然后在星期天赶回家,由此可知,她每个周末参加马拉松比赛。故选C

13A.At                                BBy  

CWith                                 DOn

答案:D 句意:星期五下午工作一结束,她就立马准备开始下一场赛跑。on/upon+动词­ing形式是固定用法,表示“一……就”的意思,符合语境。故选D

14A.parted                            Bleft   

Cheaded                               Dmissed

答案:C 根据上文描述的Julie周五下午下班后去参加马拉松可推知,此处应指她周日回到在加州的家。故选C

15A.raising                           Bearning

Cspending                             Dwasting

答案:A 根据上文可知,Julie跑马拉松是为了给PANCAN募捐,所以此处应指她筹到了20多万美元。故选A

16A.merrily                           Befficiently  

Cspecifically                         Dcasually

答案:B 根据上文中的“My body's getting used to this. I'm changing my diet, becoming more healthy”可知,Julie的身体正在适应严格的训练安排。她正在改变她的饮食,使身体变得更健康,故此处应指她也在学习如何更高效地跑马拉松。故选B

17A.swell                             Bstress 

Cburn                                 Dache

答案:D 根据上文可知,跑马拉松肯定会很累,所以有时她的肌肉会酸疼。故选D

18A.strength                          Brelief  

Cmotivation                           Dinterest

答案:C 根据上文可知,Julie跑马拉松是为了给胰腺癌研究筹集资金,故此处就指Julie感到累时,就会想到她是为了什么才跑马拉松,即她跑马拉松的动力,这样,即使再累她也不会放弃。故选C

19A.miracles                          Baccidents 

Cstories                              Devents

答案:A 根据语境可推知,这里表示“当你做你喜欢做的事并且是为了你爱的人去做的时候,奇迹往往便会发生”。故选A

20A.offer                             Bsacrifice  

Cpromise                              Ddifference

答案:D 根据语境可知,力量聚集在一起的时候会产生影响。make a difference “产生影响”,符合语境。故选D

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