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(外研版)2021高考一轮统考复习Book2Module3Music课时作业(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本外研版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小969 K
  • 更新时间2020/8/14 15:24:23
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 (2019·甘肃省静宁一中高三一模)It was a cool October evening. Excitement and family members __1__ the hall. I was only a 7­year­old girl, but I was the center of __2__. Finally, after weeks of preparation, I would __3__ all my hard work in a dance of performance. Everything would be __4__—so I thought. I waited backstage all __5__ in my black tights with a golden belt. In a loud and clear voice, the master of ceremonies __6__ that my class was next.

My dance class was doing a routine on wooden boxes two feet by two feet, facing the __7__. All I had to do in the next move was to put one foot on the box next to mine and keep my other foot on my box. It really was an __8__ move. I was concentrating so much, __9__ the huge smile on my face and holding my head up that I did not look __10__ I was going. I missed my partner's box altogether and __11__.There I was standing on the stage floor when my classmates were on top of their boxes. I could hear giggles (咯咯笑) coming from the audience, and I felt the __12__ rush to my face. I remembered my dance teacher had told us, “If you make a mistake, keep smiling so the audience will not __13__”. I did my best to follow her __14__ as I continued with the routine.

When the curtain dropped, so did my __15__ for the evening. I __16__ bitterly, tasting the salt from the tears that streamed down my face. I ran backstage, but no one could __17__ me down.

Recently I realized I had been a __18__ that night. I was __19__ but I fought the urge to run off the stage. __20__ I finished the routine with a smile on my face. Now when friends and family laugh about the time I slipped during a dance performance, I can laugh too.


1A.filled                             Battended     

Cdecorated                            Dvisited

答案:A 本句句意应为“家人们挤满了演出大厅,大厅里充满了兴奋的情绪”,表示“充满,挤满”用fill

2A.impression                         Bdebate     

Cattention                            Dpressure

答案:C 根据前一句语境可知,“我”成为大家关注的中心。impression “印象”;debate “争论”;attention “关注”;pressure “压力”,故本题选C项。

3A.show off                           Btake over     

Cgive up                              Dlook after

答案:A 最终,在几周的准备之后,“我”将在一场舞蹈表演中表现“我”辛勤劳动的成果。show off “表现自己”;take over “接管”;give up “放弃”;look after “照看”,故本题选A项。

4A.obvious                            Breasonable     

Csuitable                             Dperfect

答案:D 根据第11空所在句子的描述可知,作者的这次表演失败了,所以本句句意应为“一切都应该是完美的——我是这样认为的”。obvious “明显的”;reasonable “合乎情理的”;suitable “合适的,适宜的”; perfect “完美的”。D项符合逻辑。

5A.mixed up                           Bdressed up   

Cfolded up                            Dcovered up

答案:B 本句描述了自己的穿戴,所以句意应为“我在后台等候,穿着黑色的紧身衣,扎着金色的腰带”。表示“盛装打扮”用dress upmix up “混淆”;fold up “折叠”;cover up “盖住”。

6A.explained                          Bsuggested     

Cannounced                            Dpredicted

答案:C 本句句意应为“典礼的主持人用清晰且洪亮的声音宣布接下来由我们班表演”。表示“宣布”用announce

7A.music                              Baudience     

Cstage                                Dcurtain

答案:B 演出自然少不了观众,演员们要面对观众表演,所以本句句意应为“我们的舞蹈班成员在一个两英尺见方的箱子上做固定的动作,面向观众”。所以B项正确。

8A.active                             Badventurous   

Ceasy                                 Dextra

答案:C 由前一句对“我”在这个舞蹈表演中的动作的描写和后一句描述“我”表演时的镇定、自信可知,本句句意应为“我的动作真的非常简单”,所以C项符合句意。

9A.containing                         Bhiding     

Csharing                              Dkeeping

答案:D 作者在本句中描述了“她”出现失误前的表演,本句句意应为“我脸上带着微笑,高昂着头,注意力如此集中以致我没有看到我的脚伸向了哪里”。表示“保持某种状态”用keep,所以D项正确。

10A.why                               Bwhat     

Cwhether                              Dwhere

答案:D 这里用where引导宾语从句,句意为“我只顾着笑对观众,却没有注意自己的脚下”,故选D项。

11A.slipped                           Bwandered     

Cskipped                              Dwaved

答案:A 由本文最后一句中的“I slipped during a dance performance”可知,“我”没踩上同伴的箱子,滑倒了。所以使用slip,故选A项。

12A.pride                             Bpleasure     

Ctear                                 Dblood

答案:D 自己的表演出现了失误,肯定非常尴尬,所以本句句意应为“我能够听到观众席上传来的咯咯笑声,我感到脸涨得通红”,故选D项。

13A.leave                             Bcheer    

Cnotice                               Dbelieve

答案:C 一旦出错,保持微笑可以使观众注意不到你的错误,故本题选C项。

14A.advice                            Bgesture     

Cexample                              Dplan

答案:A 由上一句中的“I remembered my dance teacher had told us”和下文“as I continued with the routine”可知,“我”尽力遵循着老师的建议,故选A项。

15A.hopes                             Bvoice     

Cpatience                             Ddoubts

答案:A 根据作者的描述可知,作者本来是想要表现自己的,结果却出现了失误,所以自己的希望落空了,因此本句句意应为“当幕布落下,我的希望也落空了”,故A项符合语境。

16A.argued                            Bshouted     

Cbegged                               Dsobbed

答案:D 由后文的“tasting the salt from the tears”可知,作者哭了,所以本句句意应为“我哭了起来”,故D项正确。

17A.turn                              Bcalm     

Clet                                  Dput

答案:B 根据上文的“I __16__ bitterly”可知,在当时的情境下,没有人能使作者情绪平静下来,所以应该用calm sb. down表示“使……平静”。

18A.pioneer                           Bstar    

 Closer                               Dfool

答案:B 从最后一段“I finished the routine with a smile on my face”可知,“我”依然按要求完成舞蹈动作,并没有因失误而半途而废。事情过去这么多年后,作者能够回过头来重新审视自己,所以本句句意应为“近来我认识到那天晚上我就是一个明星”。所以B项符合语境。

19A.moved                             Bembarrassed   

Csatisfied                            Dconfused

答案:B 根据前面的叙述可知,作者当时的失误使得自己非常尴尬,所以本句句意应为“我当时很尴尬,但是我克制住了自己冲出舞台的冲动”。所以B项符合句意。

20A.Instead                           BHowever     

CIn return                            DIn total

答案:A 分析上下文逻辑可知,此处表示“我”当时并没有走掉而是坚持到表演结束,所以本句句意应为“相反,我脸上带着微笑完成了整套动作”,故选A项。

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