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(外研版)2021高考一轮统考复习Book2Module2NoDrugs课时作业(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本外研版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小966 K
  • 更新时间2020/8/14 15:24:02
    下载统计今日0 总计1
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(2020·陕西省百校联盟TOP20联考)Scientists from around the world examined whether supplements marketed are good for brain health, particularly in those aged over 50. Despite the claims of some supplements that they could improve cognitive (认知的) skills, no clear evidence was found to back this up.

The report said, For the handful that have been researched, several well­designed studies of supplements for brain health found no benefit in people with normal nutrient levels. It's unclear whether people who lack nutrition can benefit their brains by taking a supplement. The pills failed to protect against dementia (痴呆) and did not slow the process or improve the symptoms of the disease and the report said that a healthy diet rich in fruit and vegetables, being physically active and getting sufficient sleep were linked to better brain function.

The value of the food supplement market in Britain is expected to reach more than 1 billion by 2012 and supplements sold on the high street for brain performance cost up to 26 for 60 pills. And Caroline Abrahams, the charity director at Age UK said that people were better off spending money to improve diets.

The report did find evidence suggesting that supplements could benefit people diagnosed with lacking vitamin. It added that these should only be taken if advised by a doctor because some supplements could interact with medicines or contain high levels of nutrients, which could be deadly. Supplements were not strictly controlled in the way that medicines were and may not contain high­quality ingredients or what was on the label, the report said.

The Health Food Manufacturers' Association, which represents the British supplement industry, said that the report was based on the American market. In Britain products could only make claims approved by the European Food Safety Authority, such as the zinc () contributed to normal cognitive functions, a spokesman said.


1What is the finding of the scientists about the supplements?

AThey bring about no positive effect.

BThey break the balance of normal life.

CThey get people to get addicted to them.  

DThey are hardly suitable for the younger.

答案:A 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“no clear evidence was found to back this up”和第二段中的“found no benefit in people with normal nutrient levels ... The pills failed to protect against dementia (痴呆) and did not slow ...”可知补充剂没有什么积极的效果,故选A项。

2The author uses the third paragraph to show people should________.

Abe aware of their needs clearly     

Bchange their daily diets regularly

Ctake control of the market strictly 

Dmake use of their money properly

答案:D 推理判断题。根据这一段中列出的英国食品补充剂市场的高价值、补充剂高价格以及最后引用Caroline Abrahams的话“better off  spending money to improve diets”可知,作者借此说明要合理使用金钱,故选D项。

3What should people do if they do need to take supplements?

AFollow professional suggestions.

BBe sure of the vitamins they lack.

CRefer to the instructions of the labels.

DAvoid taking together with other medicines.

答案:A 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“It    added that these should only be taken if advised    by a doctor”可知只有在医生的建议下才应该服用它们,听取专业的建议,故选A项。

4What do the British authorities think of the report?

AAnnoying.                              BUnacceptable.

CWorrying.                              DFavorable.

答案:B 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的内容可知,这份报告是基于美国市场而不是英国。而在英国,产品只能通过欧洲食品安全认证,由此推断可知,这份报告不被英国官方认可,故选B项。

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