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2018版高考二轮复习热点题型全突破专题限时集训(二十)完形填空—说明文练习(英语 解析版)
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  • 更新时间2020/6/9 10:27:32
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(2016·湖北八校联考)Most people are poor listeners.Even when we think we are listening carefullywe usually   1   only half of what we hearand we remember even  less.Improving your listening skills can be    in every  part of your life.

The most important   3   of poor listening is giving in  to distractions (分心的事物) and letting our thoughts   4  Sometimeshoweverwe listen too   5  We try to  remember every word a speaker saysand we lose the   6    message by concentrating on details.In other situationswe  may jump to conclusions and    a speaker without hearing out the message.Finallywe often judge people by their   8   or speaking manner   9   listening to what they say.

You can   10   these poor listening habits by taking  several steps.Firsttake listening   11   and commit yourself to becoming a better listener.Secondwork at being a(n)   12   listener.Give your undivided attention to the speaker  in a genuine effort to   13   her or his ideas.Third  14    distractions.Make a conscious effort to keep your mind on  what the speaker is saying.Fourthtry not to be   15   by appearance or delivery.  16   preconceived (事先形成的) judgments based on a person's looks or manner of speech.Fifthsuspend (延缓) judgment   17   you have heard the speaker's entire message.Sixth  18   your listening by paying attention to main pointsto evidenceand to the speaker's  techniques.Finallydevelop  your  note­taking skills.When done   19  note taking is an excellent way to improve your concentration and to keep track of a speaker's   20  It almost forces you to become a more attentive and creative listener.

【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。文章介绍了如何才能成为一名好的倾听者。

1Agrasp                      Brealize

Cbelieve                          Dchoose

A [根据上文的“poor listeners”及下文的“remember even less”可知即便认真去听我们通常也只能领会(grasp)”所听到的一半内容。]

2Adifficult                        Bhelpful

Cpossible                         Dpractical

B [下文介绍的是提高听力技能的方法所以此处指提高听力技能对生活的方方面面都有帮助(helpful)”]

3Arole                             Bfactor

Cfunction                         Dcause

D [容易受干扰是听力差的最重要的原因(cause)”]

4Apass                             Bwander

Cstop                             Dstay

B [根据上文的“giving in to distractions(分心的事情)”可知此处指思绪乱飞(wander)”]

5Along                             Bclearly

Chard                             Dpassively

C [根据下文的“We try to remember every word”可知有时我们听不好是因为听得过于认真(hard)”了。]

6Amain                             Bnew

Cuseful                           Dhidden

A [根据下文的“concentrating on details”可知此处指没抓住主要(main)”信息。]

7Aprejudge                         Bignore

Cdoubt                            Dleave

A [根据下文的“without hearing out the message”可知没听完对方说什么妄下结论(prejudge)”]

8Awords                            Bspeed

Cbehavior                         Dappearance

D [根据speaking manner可知人们经常通过外表(appearance)”或说话方式而不是(instead of)”对方所讲的内容来评价一个人。下一段的“looks or manner of speech”也是提示。]

9Adue to                           Balong with

Cinstead of                       Dexcept for

C [参见上题解析。]

10Apick up                         Bgive up

Ctake up                          Dput up

B [下文提到的方法都是帮助大家改掉(give up)”不良听力习惯的。]

11Aseriously                       Bnaturally

Cpersonally                       Dwrongly

A [根据下文的“commit yourself”可知听别人说话时应该认真(seriously)”take sth. seriously“严肃认真地对待某事]

12Aclever                          Bactive

Cfree                             Dpowerful

B [根据下文中的“undivided attention”“genuine effort”可知我们应该做一个积极的(active)”倾听者努力去听懂(understand)”对方要表达的意思。]

13Atest                            Bsupport

Cunderstand                       Ddiscuss

C [参见上题解析。]

14Aconsider                        Bshare

Cwatch                            Dresist

D [根据下文的“keep your mind on what the speaker is saying”可知倾听时需要抵制(resist)”干扰。]

15Aaffected                        Bpuzzled

Creplaced                         Dpersuaded

A [根据上一段及下文中的“judgments based on a person's looks or manner of speech”可知此处是说不要被外表等因素影响(affected)”把那些事先形成的判断都抛到一边(Set aside)”]

16ASet aside                       BSet down

CSet off                          DSet out

A [参见上题解析。]

17Athough                          Bwhen

Cuntil                            Dsince

C [一直等到(until)”对方说完再下结论。]

18Acheck                           Bfocus

Corganize                         Dmonitor

B [根据下文的“main points”可知此处指要集中(focus)”精力去听。]

19Aeagerly                         Bsecretly

Cslowly                           Dproperly

D [只有记笔记的方法得当(properly)”它才能在听力中发挥积极的作用。]

20Aquestions                       Bplans

Cideas                            Dchanges

C [记笔记当然是为了记录说话者的观点(ideas)”]

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