Check out our top 5 weather apps(应用程序) for your smart phones, which will keep you one step ahead of nature.
1. Tornado Warning and Alert App
This app from the American Red Cross tracks a tornado as it approaches with step-by-step advice about what to do before the storm hits. A siren warning is built into the app and goes off when the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration issues a tornado warning in your area.
2. The Weather Channel App
This app includes weather forecasts from more than 200 meteorologists and lets you check what kind of weather lays ahead, complete with storm prediction maps. The Weather Channel app also alerts users to storm warnings in the area.
3. Lightening Finder
If the goal is to get to the storm, rather than avoid it, this app is here to help. The lightening Finder color-codes the age of the lightening bolt, and estimates a safe distance from which to watch it.
4. NOAA Weather Radio HD
This app broadcasts radio reports from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and give you around-the-clock updates on the latest weather warnings, watches, advisories, and forecasts. Push notifications alert you to serious storm warnings in your area even when you are not currently using the application. The app also gives detailed four-day forecast based on your GPS coordinates, or a chosen location.
5. Dark Sky
Stay dry with Dark Sky, which offers weather reports, including minute-by-minute rain forecasts for your exact location. To keep its predictions as accurate as possible, this app forecasts only one hour into the future.
21. If you want to keep track of daily weather changes, you may choose
A. Lightening Finder B. The Weather Channel App
C. Tomado Warning and Alert App C. NOAA Weather Radio HD
22. Which of the following is true about Dark Sky?
A. It is especially suitable to predict wet days.
B. It provides more services than the others.
C. It only offers accurate prediction for your area.
D. It keeps you aware of the weather days ahead.
23. The main differences of the five apps lie in
A. users’ phones B. users’ locations C. their images D. their functions