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  • 更新时间2020/4/9 11:22:46
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Daily Starsir”called Jasoncarrying some newspapers under his arm.The little boy had been running up and down the streetbut there were still twenty __1__left.His voice was almost gone and his heart was __2__.The shops would soon closeand all the people would go home.He would have to go home toocarrying the papers __3__money.He had hoped to sell more papers tonight to make more money to buy a __4__for his mother and some seeds for his bird.That was why he had bought the papers with all his money.He __5__ as he thought of his failure to sell all his papers.

“You don't know the __6__ of selling papers.You must shout‘Hot newsBomb bursting’”another newsboy Chad told Jason.“__7__it's not in the paper at all”replied Jason.“Just run away quickly __8__they have time to seeand you'll __9__out and get your money.”Chad said.

It was a new __10__to Jason.He thought of his bird with no __11__and the cake he wanted to buy for his motherbut was __12__that he would not tell a lie.Though he was __13__a poor newsboyhe had been __14__some good things.

The next afternoon Jason went to the office for his papers __15__.Several boys were crowding aroundChadwho declared with a __16__smile that he sold six dozen the day before.He added that Jason __17__money because he would not tell a lie.The boys __18__at Jason.“You wouldn't tell a lie yesterdaymy boy”A gentleman at the office came up and patted Jason's shoulder __19__.“You're just the boy I am looking for.”A week later Jason started his new __20__.He lost the sale of twenty papers because he would not tell a liebut got a well­paid job because he told the truth.


1A.shops                         Bcoins

Cpeople                          Dpapers

答案:D 词汇复现题。根据文章第一段第一句中的carrying somenewspapers under his arm及第五句中carrying the papers __3__  money可知仍然有20份报纸,且最后一段最后一句中的lost the saleof twenty papers和该题呼应,故选D项。

2A.open                           Bheavy

Cpure                             Dweak

答案:B 根据文章第一段第四、五句可知商店马上关门,所有的人都将回家,但他还有20份报纸没卖完,只能把剩下的报纸带回家,因此心情沉重,故选B项。

3A.instead of                     Bin return for

Cregardless of                    Din exchange for

答案:A 詹森还有20份报纸没卖完,只能把剩下的报纸而不是钱带回家。instead of意为代替;而不是in return for意为作为……的回报regardless of意为不管;不顾in exchange for意为作为……的交换,故选A项。

4A.cup                            Bcard

Ccomb                            Dcake

答案:D 词汇复现题。根据文章第三段第二句中的the cake he wanted to buy for his mother可知设空处应填cake。故选D项。

5A.gave in                        Bbroke down

Cgot away                         Dshowed up

答案:B 根据前句,詹森用他所有的钱买了报纸但没能卖完,这使得他本来想给妈妈买蛋糕、给小鸟买种子的愿望落空,故一想到没能卖掉所有的报纸他就情绪低落。give in意为屈服;让步break down意为发生故障;分解;(精神/健康)垮掉get away意为离开show up意为露面;出现,故选B项。

6A.difficulty                     Bprocess

Cgoal                             Dsecret

答案:D 根据语境可知,另外一个报童查德告诉詹森他的卖报秘诀就是大声喊有最新消息和爆炸性消息。difficulty意为困难process意为过程goal意为目标secret意为秘密;秘诀,故选D项。

7A.And                            BBut

CFor                              DSo

答案:B 根据第二段最后一句可知查德的卖报秘诀是趁着买报人还没来得及看内容就赶紧拿钱跑掉,这说明查德宣称的最新消息实际上是编造的,故詹森的回答与前句相反,有转折意义,故选B项。

8A.before                         Bsince

Cthough                           Dunless

答案:A 因查德宣称的最新消息实际上是编造的,故得在买报人发现之前赶紧拿钱跑掉,before作连词时,意为……之前,故选A项。

9A.call                           Bdrop

Csell                             Dreach

答案:C 此处为查德报纸卖得又快又多的秘诀。call out意为大声叫唤drop out意为退学;退出sell out意为卖完;卖光reach out意为伸出,故选C项。

10A.edition                       Bidea

Cpolicy                           Dtask

答案:B 查德的卖报秘诀对于詹森而言是个新的主意。edition意为版本idea意为想法;主意policy意为政策;方针task意为工作;任务,故选B项。

11A.bread                        Binsects

Cseeds                           Dwater

答案:C 词汇复现题。根据文章第一段第六句中的some seeds for his bird可知选C项。

12A.concerned                     Bamazed

Cexcited                          Ddetermined

答案:D but连接前后分句,表示转折意义,且第四段第三句表明詹森事实上没有撒谎,故可判断虽然詹森没钱给小鸟和妈妈买礼物,但他坚定地不愿撒谎。concerned意为关心的amazed意为吃惊的excited意为激动的determined意为坚决的,故选D项。

13A.still                         Balready

Cjust                             Dalso

答案:C 詹森虽然只是个贫穷的报童,但他也曾受过好的家教。still意为仍然already意为已经just意为只是;刚刚also意为,故选C项。

14A.taught                        Bhanded

Cawarded                          Dallowed

答案:A 句意见第13题。teach意为教导;教授hand意为传递;交给award意为授予allow意为允许;给予,故选A项。

15A.at once                       Bby chance

Cas usual                         Don purpose

答案:C 第二天下午詹森像往常一样去办公室领报纸。at once意为马上;立刻by chance意为偶然;碰巧as usual意为像往常一样on purpose意为故意地,故选C项。

16A.proud                         Bgentle

Cwarm                             Dpolite

答案:A 根据空格后的that he sold six dozen the day before可知,前一天查德卖了72份报纸,故他是骄傲地笑着宣布自己的销售业绩,故选A项。

17A.borrowed                      Blost

Cmade                             Dsaved

答案:B 查德在炫耀自己的业绩的同时还补充说到詹森因不愿撒谎而没能赚到钱。borrow意为lose意为失去;遗失make意为赚钱save意为节省,故选B项。

18A.laughed                       Bshouted

Cnodded                           Dstared

答案:A 根据前句可知,查德用其突出的销售业绩反衬詹森因不愿撒谎而业绩差,使得其他的孩子觉得詹森太傻而嘲笑他。laugh at意为嘲笑shout at意为……呼喊;大声说nod意为点头stare at意为凝视;注视。故选A项。

19A.bravely                       Bgratefully

Cfondly                           Dmodestly

答案:C 根据下文可知,这位绅士很欣赏詹森诚实的行为,并给了他一份报酬高的工作,故绅士在办公室遇到他时应该是温柔地拍拍他的肩膀。bravely意为勇敢地gratefully意为感激地fondly意为温柔地modestly意为谨慎地;适当地,故选C项。

20A.duty                         Bbusiness

Cjob                              Dmethod

答案:C 词汇复现题。根据文章最后一段最后一句中的lost the sale of twenty papersgot a well­paid job,可知他开始了一份新工作,故选C项。

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