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(江苏专用)2020版高考冲刺提分模拟组合练六(2)(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
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  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小997 K
  • 更新时间2020/1/14 8:50:59
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  Changzhou government just announced new policies on e-bikes, especially for those who have not registered their vehicles. It’s the last chance for them to register before 15 April, 2019.
1.standardize the production and sales of e-bikes
Since April 15,2019,electric bicycle products that do not meet the new national standard and have not obtained the China Compulsory Certification (CCC) are not allowed to be shipped or sold.
2.standardize the registration of electric bicycles
Before April 15, 2019, everyone with their valid ID card can go to the nearest electric bicycle license registration point to register their unlicensed electric bicycles and be issued the unified electric bicycle number plate for free.
Encourage electric bike owners to take out third-party liability (责任) insurance for electric bicycles.
3.standardize the safety management of e-bikes
The transition (过渡) period management is carried out for electric bicycles that receive temporary permit cards (those may not agree with the new national standard). The transition period starts from April 15, 2019 and is due on April 14, 2024. It is not allowed to ride on the road after the transition period.
Investigate the illegal traffic behavior such as running red lights, cross-line parking, reverse driving, driving on motor vehicle lane, speeding, and other traffic violations according to the law, and take pictures of illegal behavior by using the electronic camera, face recognition and other technical means to carry out on-site law enforcement.
Perfect the transportation credit-management system, and ensure on-site law enforcement.
Announced by:
Changzhou Public Security Bureau
Changzhou Industrial and Information Technology Bureau
Changzhou Municipal Market Supervision Administration
15 March, 2019
1.What must you do if you drive an e-bike legally in Changzhou after April 15, 2019?
A.Buy a new e-bike meeting the new national standard before April 15, 2019.
B.Pay to register your unlicensed e-bike before April 15, 2019.
C.Take out third-party liability insurance for your e-bike before April 15, 2019.
D.Obtain an e-bike number plate or a temporary permit card before April 15, 2019.
2.From the announcement we know that    
A.the transition period for registration is five years long
B.five kinds of illegal traffic behavior will be specially investigated
C.high technology will be used for law enforcement on the spot
D.the announcement is made for the sake of economic development
[语篇解读] 本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了常州的电动自行车新规。在2019年4月15日之前,所有电动车都需要进行登记注册。符合国家新标准的电动自行车可以直接领取号牌。不符合国家新标准的可以领取临时执照,有效期是5年。5年之后所有电动自行车都必须符合国家新标准。
1.D 细节理解题。根据第三个小标题部分第一段第一句...that receive temporary permit cards (those may not agree with the new national standard). 可知,不符合国家新标准的电动自行车也可以取得临时执照,不一定要购买一辆新的符合国家新标准的电动自行车,排除A项;根据第二个小标题部分第一段...be issued the unified electric bicycle number plate for free. 可知,领取号牌是免费的,排除B项;根据第二个小标题部分第二段Encourage electric bike owners to take out third-partly liability insurance...可知,政府鼓励购买第三者责任险,并不是强制的,排除C项;根据第二个小标题部分第一段内容及第三个小标题部分第一段内容可知,不符合国家新标准的电动自行车可以领取临时执照,有效期到2024年4月15日,符合新标准的电动自行车可以领取正式号牌,与D项内容相符,故选D项。
2.C 细节理解题。根据第三个小标题部分第一段第一句The transition period management is carried out...可知,是管理过渡期,而不是注册过渡期,注册必须在2019年4月15之前完成,没有过渡期,排除A项;根据第三个小标题部分第二段内容可知,被调查违反交规的行为不只是文中列举的五种,排除B项;文章没有提及实施电动自行车的管理是为了经济的发展,排除D项;根据第三个小标题部分第二段...by using the electronic camera, face recognition and...可知,采用高科技手段加强对电动自行车违反交规的管理,与C项内容相符,故选C项。
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