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(京津鲁琼专用)2020版高考二轮复习40分钟阅读提速练3阅读提速练(三)(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小956 K
  • 更新时间2019/11/17 14:01:49
    下载统计今日0 总计36
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 (2019·河南五校高三下学期联考)There are dozens of movie recommendation engines on the Web. They’re all different, but some are definitely better than others.
Rotten Tomatoes
Instead of telling Rotten Tomatoes which films you like, you can tell it what kind of films you enjoy, which actors you want to see, and other standards to help it find the best movie for you. There’s a lot of variability in the quality of Rotten Tomatoes recommendations but it’s also a nice way to find the right film for any mood.
Netflix asks you to rate(划分等级) movies to determine which films you’ll want to see next. And although it does make it easy to rate movies and it does return huge lists, the ideas it gives you aren’t all that strong. It’s easy to use, but it’s not the best way to get movie recommendations.
Whether you want to search for films based on your mood, time available, or reviews, the site has it all. But Jinni’s most amazing feature is its semantic(语义的)search. You can enter a term like “films that show Chris Farley yelling” and the site will return films that match your question. Go to use Jinni. You won’t regret it!
Instead of just allowing you to rank films, Criticker compares your ratings to those of other users and see how closely your tastes match those of other users. Once the service finds matches,  you can view these users’ lists and see which movies they like.
1.Which one does the author recommend most?
A.Rotten Tomatoes.              B.Netflix.
C.Jinni.                           D.Criticker.
2.What makes Criticker special?
A.Comparing users’ ratings.
B.Ranking your favourite films.
C.Offering different standards.
D.Finding films based on mood.
3.What is the purpose of the text?
A.To recommend the best online movies.
B.To show how to use movie search engines.
C.To introduce several movie search engines.
D.To explain how to find the best online movies.
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