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2019版高考二轮复习专题限时集训19完形填空之议论文(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
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  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小290 K
  • 更新时间2019/9/5 16:53:22
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(2018·新乡市模拟)Did you ever have a dream? I'm not talking about a dream you have when you sleep.I'm talking about a conscious   1 where you would like to see a new futurea different choice of employmentand a   2 of your own.How many times have you wished that you could be living in a different   3 than the one you are   4 experiencing?
Several years agoI had a dream about inventing a board game that would   5 my life's fortunes.After many revisionsa board game was developed.It was a(n)   6 time.Our dream seemed to come true with sales starting to accumulateand our company was also   7 .
  8 another new board game   9 the market and made great progress in sales.Eventuallyour company was dissolved.
Perhaps for a game developerthe   10 emotions that it never was meant to be will discourage his future dreams of a different life.But to memaybe I didn't succeed to the level I 11 at the very least I turned my dream 12 a reality. 13 I had never transferred my dream into goal and then to actionthere wouldn't have been 14 lessons to be learned from the failure.It may take many 15 but success is only achieved.Once dreams are 16 actionfailure becomes a 17 action plan in future.The important 18 here is that success only comes by turning dreams into reality and realizing that 19 are only stepping-stones to final success.After many attemptsmany failuresmany lessons and many false startslearn valuable lessons from failureturn dreams into 20 and don't let a dream only be a dreamsuccess will arrive at last.
【语篇解读】 这是一篇议论文。全篇围绕dream展开,指出梦想并不是你睡觉时候做的梦,而是需要我们付出失败和努力去实现的。
1A.future                                        Blife
Cdream                                           Dplan
C [由前文可知作者这里讨论的是dream,不是晚上睡觉做的梦,而是有意识的梦想,故选C]
2A.factory                                      Bbusiness
Ccar                                               Dfarm
B [此处与前面的“a new future和“a different choice of employment是并列关系,指的是自己的公司,下一段的company也是提示。]
3A.environment                               Bschool
Cfamily                                          Dsociety
A [这里需要名词作live in的宾语,应指居住的环境,故选A。其他三项都过于具体,没有普遍性。]
4A.enjoyably                                   Bpreviously
Cconstantly                                     Dcurrently
D [根据前文句意来说主要是强调现在的环境和所预想的环境相比较,故选D,意为“当前地”。]
5A.destroy                                      Brealize
Cchange                                          Dcreate
C [前面提到了想要生活在截然不同的环境,暗指与之前的不同,所以应该用改变,故选C]
6A.exciting                                     Bterrible
Cdark                                             Dembarrassing
A [根据下句可知我们的梦想似乎要实现了,所以心情应是激动的,故选A]
7A.canceled                                    Bcombined
Cdisappeared                                   Dfounded
D [既然我们的梦想似乎要实现了,那么我们的公司当然是成立了,故选D]
8A.Unfortunately                             BUnlikely
CUnconsciously                               DUnfairly
A [根据后面的“our company was dissolved可知是不幸的,故选A]
9A.came into                                   Bleft out
Ccame back                                     Dtook in
A [这里指有一家新的公司进入了市场,故选A]
10A.optimistic                                 Bnegative
Cdifficult                                        Dpositive
B [根据后面的描述可知是一种不好的情绪,故选B,意为“消极的”。]
11A.needed                                     Bdevoted
Cdesired                                         Dbegged
C [作者没有成功到达想要(desire)达到的那个水平。]
12A.by                                           Bon
Cover                                             Dinto
D [此处表示作者将目光从梦想转移到现实中来,故选D]
13A.Unless                                     BIf
CAfter                                            DBefore
B [由后面的“there wouldn't have been...可知前面是对过去时的一种虚拟语气,应该用if]
14A.valuable                                   Bsuccessful
Cuseless                                          Dcruel
A [这里的lessons是从失败中学到的,应是很有参考的价值,故选A]
15A.analyses                                   Bdesigns
Cattempts                                        Drevisions
C [成功是需要付出很多努力的,故选C]
16A.taken up                                   Blooked into
Crun across                                     Dput into
D [此处指把梦想付诸行动。put ...into action 把……付诸行动。]
17A.good                                        Bbetter
Cmost                                             Dbad
B [一旦梦想付诸于行动,失败就会变成更好的行为,因为它对梦想是有帮助的。]
18A.meaning                                   Bpoint
Ctruth                                             Dpurpose
B [根据后面的that从句可知,此处应是指的重点,故选B]
19A.efforts                                     Bachievements
Cpossibilities                                   Ddifficulties
B [这里强调最终的成功才是重点,而小成就(achievement)只是踏脚石,故选B]
20A.heart                                        Bexistence
Caction                                           Dambition
C [此处指把梦想付诸于行动,故选C]
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