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2019版高考二轮复习专题限时集训18完形填空之说明文(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小289 K
  • 更新时间2019/9/5 16:52:56
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(2018·运城市模拟)Reading good books is one of the greatest pleasures in life.It   1  our happiness when we are cheerfuland lessens our   2  when we are sad.A good book may absorb our attention so   3 that for the time being we forget our   4 .
Whatever may be our main purpose in readinggood books should never fail to give us   5 .With a good book in our hands we will never be   6 .Whether the characters in the book are taken from real life or are purely   7 they may become our companions and make us laugh.The people we meet in books may   8  us either because they are similar to our close friends or because they present   9  types whom we are glad to welcome as new acquaintances.Our human friends sometimes   10  usbut the friends we make in books always respect us.By turning the pages we can   11  them without any fear of hurting their feelings.When our human friends   12  usgood books are always there to give us sympathy and encouragement.
One of the most valuable gifts from books is   13 .Few of us can travel far from home 14  all of us can lead varied lives through the pages of book.When we wish to   15  from the dull realities of everyday lifea book will help us when   16  else can.To travel by book we don't have to   17  and save a lot of money.Through books we may get the thrill of adventure without   18 .We can climb high mountains or cross the hot sands of the desert 19 through books the whole world is ours for the asking.The   20  of our literary experiences are almost unlimited.
【语篇解读】 本文为说明文。主要介绍一本好书可以给我们带来快乐、朋友、经验和指导。
1A.achieves                                     Breduces
Cincreases                                       Dthreatens
C [当我们高兴的时候,它增加(increases)我们的幸福;我们难过的时候,它降低我们的悲痛(sorrows)]
2A.duties                                        Bsorrows
Cchances                                         Ddiseases
B [参见上题解析。]
3A.completely                                 Bnaturally
Cfrequently                                     Ddesperately
A [一本好书会完全(completely)吸引我们,以至于我们忘记了周围的环境(surroundings)]
4A.performances                             Bprejudices
Cresponsibilities                              Dsurroundings
D [参见上题解析。]
5A.agreement                                  Btreatment
Cenjoyment                                     Djudgement
C [无论我们读书的目的是什么,好的书应该总是给我们享受(enjoyment)]
6A.lonely                                        Blazy
Ctired                                             Dguilty
A [手中有一本好书从来都不会寂寞(lonely)]
7A.average                                      Bimaginary
Ctypical                                          Dfortunate
B [无论书中的人物形象来自于真实生活还是虚构的(imaginary),都会使我们发笑。]
8A.greet                                         Bshock
Cworry                                           Ddelight
D [我们在书中遇到的人使我们高兴(delight),要么是因为他们与我们亲密的朋友相似,要么是因为他们呈现给我们不熟悉(unfamiliar )类型的人,我们很高兴把他们当作新的熟人。]
9A.uncertain                                   Bunpractical
Cunfamiliar                                     Dunnecessary
C [参见上题解析。]
10A.make fun of                             Btake care of
Ccatch sight of                                Dpay attention to
A [有时我们人类的朋友会取笑(make fun of)我们,但是书中的朋友会尊重我们。]
11A.order                                       Bcontrol
Cbelieve                                         Dignore
D [通过翻书页我们可以忽略(ignore)它们,不用担心会伤害到他们的感情。]
12A.challenge                                 Babandon
Cunderstand                                    Dpersuade
B [当我们人类的朋友遗弃(abandon)我们时,书中的朋友总是给我们以同情和鼓励。故选B]
13A.pleasure                                   Bknowledge
Cexperience                                    Dsuccess
C [书中最有价值的礼物之一就是经验(experience )]
14A.but                                          Bor
Cif                                                 Dso
A [我们很少能出远门。但是(but)我们都可以通过书了解丰富多彩的生活。]
15A.return                                      Brecover
Cgraduate                                       Descape
D [当我们想从日常乏味的生活中逃脱(escape)时,如果没有别的东西(nothing)的话,一本好书将会给我们帮助。]
16A.anything                                  Bnothing
Ceverything                                    Dsomething
B [参见上题解析。]
17A.pay                                          Bstop
Cguess                                            Drace
A [在书中旅游不用花钱(pay)]
18A.reason                                      Bevidence
Cdanger                                          Dinstruction
C [在书中我们可以没有危险(danger)地得到冒险的刺激。]
19A.However                                  BTherefore
COtherwise                                     DAnyway
D [不管怎样(Anyway),通过书整个世界我们都可以去询问。]
20A.purposes                                  Bpossibilities
Cdirections                                      Dsuggestions
B [我们文学经历的可能性(possibility)几乎是没有限制的。]
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