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2019版高考二轮复习专题限时集训15完形填空之记叙文(Ⅱ)(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
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  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小301 K
  • 更新时间2019/9/5 16:51:55
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(2018·安徽省知名示范高中质检)I wasn't prepared for the way I felt when my 18-year-old sonDylanleft for Asia during his winter break.
I was   1  the moment he first told my husband Michael and me that he wanted to use some of his   2  to travel around China.We were excited for him to explore the world.We told him that   3  was one of the best ways to spend his money and the   4  will last a lifetime.
On the morning of Dylan's departurehe   5  a few more things into his bag.Before he and Michael   6  to the airportI yelled,“ Be safeand   7  when you arrive in Shanghai.
That night,   8  he was flying somewhere over the Pacific Oceanit hit me that Dylan was really on his   9 .I woke hourlyeach time   10  the clock and counting the hours before he would land the following morning. 11  my decision to let him go aloneI prayedand thought about all the things that could go   12 .Then I heard from him.The first text said he'd arrived.The second text said his luggage didn't   13  it.
Feeling anxiousI madly attempted to   14  down his luggage.To search for the lost baggageI persuaded him to go back to the   15  and suggested he go to the airline's office.My efforts   16 .All the while Dylan was texting me he was all right.
After thatthere was no more   17  about the lost luggage.I knew that he'd figure it outand that the life lesson would be   18 .
Several days into the tripDylan sent a photo from Hong Kong.I thought I could never study abroad anywhere but Europe. 19  I could definitely do it here. his note read.
And I was   20 .
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。儿子Dylan十八岁时独自一人去中国度寒假,“我”和丈夫鼓励他旅行,但“我”又担心他的安全。落地时,他的行李没能送达,最后他自己解决了问题。他的独自旅行会让他终生难忘……
1A.thrilled                                      Bworried
Ceager                                            Dupset
A [根据下文中的“We were excited for him to explore the world可知,对于他主动探索世界,我们很高兴;并结合本句可以判断,他告诉“我”和“我”的丈夫说他要去中国旅游,那一刻“我”很激动。thrilled意为“兴奋的,激动的”,符合语境;worried意为“担心的”;eager意为“热切的,渴望的”;upset意为“难过的”。]
2A.caution                                      Bsavings
Crelations                                       Dfriends
B [根据该句中的“the moment he first told my husband Michael and me that he wanted to use some of his        to travel around China,并结合下文中的“money可知,他要使用他自己的一些积蓄去中国旅行。savings意为“积蓄”,符合语境;caution意为“小心,谨慎”;relation意为“亲戚,关系”。]
3A.travelling                                   Blearning
Cdriving                                         Dpurchasing
A [根据上文中的“travel around China,并结合空后的“was one of the best ways to spend his money可知,我们告诉他,旅行是使用他的钱的最好方式之一。travel意为“旅行”,符合语境;learn意为“学习”;drive意为“驾驶”;purchase意为“购买”。]
4A.costs                                          Bvirtues
Citems                                            Dmemories
D [根据语境可知,旅行是使用他的钱的最好方式之一,而且记忆将持续终生。memory意为“记忆”,符合语境;cost意为“花费,费用”;virtue意为“美德”;item意为“项目”。]
5A.put                                            Bstuck
Creached                                         Dknocked
A [根据语境可知,在Dylan离开的那天早晨,他将更多的东西放进包里。put...into意为“将……放进”,故A项正确;stick意为“贴”;reach意为“到达”;knock意为“敲,击”。]
6A.took off                                     Bsaw off
Cpulled away                                  Dmoved on
C [根据该句中的“Before he and Michael        to the airport,并结合语境可知,丈夫Michael和儿子一起驾车去机场。pull away意为“开走”,符合语境;take off意为“起飞,脱掉”;see off意为“给……送行”;move on意为“继续前往”。]
7A.write                                         Bcall
Ctext                                              Demail
C [根据该句中的“Be safeand        when you arrive in Shanghai,并结合下文第四段倒数第二句中的“The first text,可知,“我”祝愿他一路平安,并希望他在到达上海时给“我”发短信。text意为“(用手机)给……发短信”,符合语境;write意为“书写”;call意为“(给……)打电话”;email意为“给(某人)发邮件”。]
8A.since                                         Bthough
Cafter                                             Dwhile
D [根据该句中的“That night,        he was flying somewhere over the Pacific Ocean可知,那天晚上,当他飞过太平洋时,“我”突然想到,儿子真的独自一人。D项意为“当……时候”,故D项正确。]
9A.behalf                                        Bfeet
Cmind                                            Down
D [参见上题解析。on one's own为固定搭配,意为“独立的,独自的”,故D项正确。behalf意为“代表”。]
10A.mending                                  Bchecking
Cseeing                                           Dwinding
B [根据该句中的“I woke hourlyeach time        the clock and counting the hours before he would land the following morning可知,“我”每小时醒一次,每次都查看一下时钟。check意为“查看,检查”,符合语境;mend意为“修补,修理”;wind意为“缠绕,迂回”。]
11A.Convincing                               BDoubting
CAdmitting                                     DDenying
B [根据空后的“my decision to let him go aloneI prayed可知,“我”对让他独自去旅行的决定心存疑惑,不断祈祷。doubt意为“怀疑,疑惑”,符合语境;convince意为“说服,使信服”;admit意为“承认”;deny意为“否认”。]
12A.wrong                                      Bwild
Csmooth                                         Dbad
A [根据语境可知,“我”对让他独自旅行的决定心存疑惑,不断祈祷,考虑了所有可能出错的事情。go wrong为固定搭配,意为“出错”,故A项正确;wild意为“野生的”;smooth意为“光滑的”。]
13A.arrive                                      Bmake
Cmanage                                         Ddeserve
B [根据下文中的“Feeling anxious,并结合空前的“The second text said his luggage didn't可以判断,他的第二条短信说他的行李没有准时送达,“我”感到着急。make it为固定搭配,意为“准时到达”,故B项正确;deserve意为“值得”。]
14A.bring                                       Bturn
Csettle                                            Dtrack
D [根据上文可知,儿子的行李没有准时送达,并结合该句中的“Feeling anxiousI madly attempted to        down his luggage,可知,“我”非常着急,疯狂地追查他的行李信息。track down为固定搭配,意为“追查,跟踪”,符合语境,故D项正确;bring down意为“减少,击败”;turn down意为“拒绝”;settle down意为“定居”。]
15A.homeland                                 Bairport
Csupermarket                                  Dcar
B [根据空后的“and suggested he go to the airline's office可知,“我”建议他去航空公司的办公室。据此可以判断,“我”劝说他回到机场。airport意为“机场”;homeland意为“祖国”。]
16A.failed                                       Bworked
Cpaid                                             Dlost
A [根据空后一句“All the while Dylan was texting me he was all right可知,Dylan用短信告诉“我”,他一切都好。据此可知,他会自己解决好行李问题,由此可以判断,“我”的努力没有起作用。fail意为“失败”,符合语境,故A项正确。]
17A.presentation                              Btalk
Cappearance                                    Drumor
B [根据下文中的“I knew that he'd figure it out可知,“我”知道他会自己解决好行李问题。据此可以判断,在此之后就没有关于行李问题的讨论了。talk意为“讨论”,符合语境,故B项正确;presentation意为“显示,报告”;appearance意为“出现,显露,露面”;rumor意为“谣言”。]
18A.awful                                       Bunbearable
Cdeep                                             Dworthless
C [根据空前的“I knew that he'd figure it outand that the life lesson would be,并结合儿子独自旅行时自己解决行李丢失的问题可知,“我”知道这一人生课程会是非常深刻的。deep意为“深刻的”,符合语境;awful意为“糟糕的,可怕的”;unbearable意为“难以忍受的”;worthless意为“无价值的”。]
19A. Or                                          BSo
CAnd                                             DBut
D [空前一句说,他本以为除了欧洲以外他决不去国外任何地方学习;空后一句说,他很明确他会在中国学习。根据空处前后的句意可知,两句间为转折关系,故D项正确。]
20A.in despair                                 Bat a loss
Cat peace                                        Din reality
C [根据上文可知,数天后Dylan从香港发来了照片,并考虑在那里留学。据此可以判断,得到此消息后,“我”平静了下来。at peace意为“处于平静状态”,符合语境;in despair意为“在绝望中”;at a loss意为“不知所措”;in reality意为“事实上”。]
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